Dutch trip for best distributors Jazz it up with Jeineken It's becoming almost a tradition; American distri butors of Heineken and Amstel Light who have achieved their sales targets can earn an incentive trip to the Netherlands. Several months ago the winning distributors spent five days in Holland, accompanied by personnel of Van Munching Co., Heine- ken's agent in the United States. Besides visiting the Heineken breweries in Zoeterwoude (see photo) and in Den Bosch, the eighteen guests also went for a look at several tourist attractions, including the 'Deltawerken' storm surge barrier. On the island of Cura sao (Netherlands Antilles) Heineken has also created a link with jazz. In June this year Heineken pre sented the local group, The Curasao Jazz Ensemble, during a free 'Jazz it up with Heineken' concert. A videofilm was made of the performance to pro mote the jazz group in the region under the Heineken banner. The ensemble was set up and is supported by Heineken to give an impul se to the jazz scene on Cu- rafao. The group will also be performing as represen tatives of Curasao during festivals in the Caribbean. Guitarist Franklin Rubiano. John James II illekes, the leader of the Curasao Jazz Ensemble. I H I O II I, I) II I H I I N K K K

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World of Heineken | 1992 | | pagina 27