v agency c region f of Heineken brand image Sjors Janssen expects that the agents in his region will provide a substantial input in the briefing of the advertising agency. "The agents will benefit directly from BSB's work, as the agency will also be active in the area of saies promotions for consum ers and the trade. That means that agents will be able to exploit and use existing trade promotions. There will be no need for them to keep on 'trying to re-invent the wheel'. Besides, they are now convinced that Heineken has recognised the region's significance and has serious plans to boost the image of the Heineken brand. Over the next few years we're going to make substantial investments in the brand." Sjors Janssen: Heineken recognises the signifi cance of the Asia Pacific region. Heineken in Singapore: one of the markets for which the company sees a great future. T II K O I! I. I) O I II K I I k I

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

World of Heineken | 1992 | | pagina 11