straight away whether you've got a Bordeaux wine or a Bourgogne.' A brewer can give something extra to his product in a bottle. More so than in a can. Heineken has its own, re cognisable bottle, whilst a can has a standard format so that the consumer has to look more carefully to pick out the product on the shop shelves. From a marketing point of view, therefore, Heineken often prefers Heineken beer to be in bottles be cause this benefits the premium image of the brand. And yet Mr Soetens also sees some disadvantages of bottles: 'Glass is obviously not the perfect solution. It's always heavier than cans and it's breakable. But in my view those disadvantages do not outweigh its great advantages.' Contact Heineken, says Soetens, is Europe's biggest purchaser of beer bottles. For Vereenigde Glasfabrieken Heineken is one of its most important customers. 'Of our total capacity, 65% is destined for the production of beer bottles. In Leerdam we have built a furnace which produces solely for Heineken', says Mr Soetens. It's there fore not surprising that close contact exists between the supplier and Heineken. 'Heineken stimulates Vereenigde Glasfabrieken to initiate new develop ments by submitting their problems and answers to us', explains Mr Soetens. The weight of the export bot tle is a good example of such an inno vation: over the years Vereenigde Glasfabrieken has succeeded in re ducing that bottle's weight from 260 to 185 grams. At the same time the quali ty of the actual glass had to be main tained at the same high standard. This weight reduction means a substantial saving on transport costs for Heineken. The technical know-how for such an operation is not always available in-house at Vereenigde Glasfabrieken. In such cases the factory uses the ser vices of Owens-Brockway in the United States. That glassworks serves as a 'think tank' for Vereenigde Glas fabrieken and sells its know-how. Know-how which Vereenigde Glas fabrieken (and Heineken) can use to their best advantage. T II K XV O II L I) O K II I I N E K K N

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World of Heineken | 1991 | | pagina 8