This is the first issue of The World
of Heineken. This magazine is
meant for Heineken's many busi
ness relations and subsidiary com
panies. We aim to keep you in
formed at least twice a year about
all aspects of our business, about
our products and our export ac
tivities. But the editors also hope
to provide you with tips on practi
cal matters, such as the treatment
of beer, distribution, etc.
The World of Heineken is published by
Heineken Internationaal Beheer and
is issued at least twice a year in En
glish and French. If you have any
suggestions or comments, please send
them to: Heineken Internationaal Be
heer, Corporate Public Relations De
partment, P.O. Box 28, lOOOAAAmster-
Design: Obbes Primowees, Amster
dam. Lithography: Lidro B.V, Zand-
voort Printing: Drukkerij Haverlag,
Zaandam Print-run: 8,000 copies.
1989 Heineken Internationaal Be
heer B.V
Partial or full reproduction of articles
or illustrations in this publication is
only permitted with the publisher's
explicit consent.
A little city brewery in Amsterdam ex
panded in just over a century to become
the third-biggest brewery group in the
world. A trip back into the past and a
description of the present on page 4
First class
Heineken believes a first class beer de
serves first class treatment. You can
read how to bring out the best of that
great Heineken taste on page 14
In every issue of the World of Heineken
an extensive feature article on one of
the export countries. The small island
of Bermuda sets the ball rolling. This
article focuses on Heineken importer
Burrows Lightbourn and Amstel impor
ter Gosling Brothers. How they operate
is described on page 20
1 salt
Last year Heineken introduced the non-
alcohol beer Buckler in several Euro
pean countries. You can read about all
the work that preceded the launch of
Buckler on page 32
Although Heineken is a world wide
brand, for every local market a tailor
made advertising campaign is develo
ped. In this first issue of The World of
Heineken we focus on the Heineken
campaign in Singapore. Malayan Brew
eries marketing manager Tan Seek
Wee explains the intention of the cam
paign on page 40