Reaching Your Consumers On- and Off-Premise With
New POS for Heineken, Amstel Light and Buckler
Though our consumer advertising, (tele
vision, radio and print,) is a key factor in
getting the strong quality message about
the VMCO brands to consumers, there's
no doubt that Point-of-Sale material does
more than its share out in the trade, each
and every day.
That's why we stress POS so strongly
every year in this special edition of The
Windmill. The fact is, no other importer
provides as many or as wide a range of
these successful selling tools as we do.
What follows is a brief look at some of
our new and revised pieces for '92.
For the all-important on-premise seg
ment, there are new two-foot by six-foot
banners for both Heineken and Amstel
Light. They're big on brand identifica
tion and allow for space customization.
Also big on brand i.d. are our
new Heineken and Amstel
Light metal tacker signs, each
in the shape of its distinctive
Our new two-foot by three-
foot Heineken mirror, pictured
here, is both decorative and
functional, capturing the
brand's imported heri
tage while enhancing its
quality image.
We've added stronger
i.d. and more dimension
to our new pub-style
Heineken tap knob. And
for tight spaces on-
premise, as well as for off-premise
promotional events, we've also cre
ated a new Heineken shot-gun tap
And for Amstel Light, there's a
new glorifier, which features en
hanced logo identification and is
sure to be grabbing attention at
the back bar.
Moving on to our off-premise
materials, this year we're intro
ducing a new mass-
display that conveys im
ported appeal when used
with displays of 50 cases
or more. It's pictured here
as part of a display that's
been finished off on the
bottom with our new
eighteen-inch corobuff,
which can be used in any
retail or wholesale envi
Next to it you'll see this
year's summer pole-top
per display, "Winning
Team." It'll work harder
than ever to get attention
and help you gain addi
tional floor space. Also
for display (as well as pro-
motional) purposes,
we're making available
25-foot strings of Heineken streamers.
Two additional items that are sure to
get noticed are our 12-inch by 12-inch
Amstel Light bullseye, which features
the ample writing space you've asked
for, and a new Heineken/Amstel Light
electrostatic decal that's sure to make an
impression where it counts the most..at
the cooler.
Buckler Non-Alcoholic:
We've also come up with a full line of
POS for the world's best non-alcoholic
brew, Buckler.
The new Buckler menu stickers use
the colorful label design to highlight the
quality image Buckler has earned. The
new plastic tabletent, which can be cus
tomized, stresses Buckler's link with
America's favorite imported beer,
To give Buckler a boost at the back
bar, we've created a new glorifier, shown
here. And for BIG exposure, we're mak
ing available a two-foot by six-foot ban
ner, which can also be customized.
In addition to making this exciting
array of new POS material available for
all of our brands, this year we've teamed
up with Carlson Marketing to bring you
a completely new line-up of promo
tional materials.
As you can see, in 1992 VMCO is more
committed than ever to give you the
support you need to sell our brands.