Record ad budget set
for Amstel Light
After a dramatic increase in sales for the
third straight year, VMCO announces
that the advertising and sales promotion
budget in 1985 will be the biggest ever
for AMSTEL LIGHT, more than five mil
lion dollars.
A great, new, full-page four-color
magazine advertisement and four new
radio commercials will highlight the new
program for AMSTEL.
The magazine ad will run throughout
the year in major national magazines like
Time, People and Sports Illustrated. It
will continue the highly successful "95
calories never tasted so imported"
theme, and features hands "clinking"
two bottles of AMSTEL. On the left a
man's thumb covers the word "light," as
the copy reads: "It's easy to put your fin
ger on what's different about this im
ported beer."
On the right a lady's thumb is raised to
reveal the full label as the copy reads:
Four new radio commercials will fea
ture live, unrehearsed consumer quotes
that explain why each of them loves
AMSTEL. They will be heard through
out the year in every major AMSTEL
market, and will generate more than
1 billion consumer impressions.
In addition, besides being the official
beer at top tennis tournaments, special
AMSTEL support will include full page
advertisements in the programs of more
than 120 premier tennis tournaments
such as the U.S. Open, Grand Prix, Virgi
nia Slims, Volvo Masters and Tourna
ment of Champions.
And a full line of P.O.S. materials gets
a big boost from a new pub mirror, cash
register sign, giant 24" display bottle, and
a new can cooler sign underscoring the
availability of AMSTEL LIGHT in cans.
Just part of the crowd that made
Amstel/Heineken Night at El Dio's in
Brockton, Mass. a big success. Sixteen
cases of Heineken and 10 cases of
Amstel—in just one night!
Mardi Gras clown
The clown wore his Amstel sign all night
and was the big hit of the evening at a
recent Amstel Lite Nite at the Mardi Gras
in North Miami, Fla. What drew the cus
tomers in was the Amstel sign on the
marquee. Standing next to the clown—
and smiling at the Nite's success—was
Jim Epps, Assistant Manager.
Gary Hegedorn Southern Division
Mgr., (right) being welcomed to the
VMCO 10-Year Club by Leo Van Munch
ing, Jr., VMCO President, as he accepts
handsome plaque for 10 years of out
standing service to VMCO.
Santa Claus came to SAV-0-MAT in
Bensalem, PA and brought this great
Heineken/Amstel Holiday display that
sold over 300 cases during Christmas
Santa was really Joe Judge from
Stadler Distributors in Buck's County,
and his helper in setting up the original
200 cases was VMCO Sales Rep., Bill
Castleberg, Jr.
Manny Busto wins
Amstel Light Award
Pictured between John McAna, VP Na
tional Sales Mgr. of VMCO, (left) and
George Kahl, Ass't National Sales Mgr.
Manny Busto, New York Metro Sales
Mgr., received an award at a recent cere
mony in New York where he was cited
for "outstanding achievement" in selling
and marketing Amstel.
We regret to announce that Mi
chael McMahon, VMCO Sales
Representative passed away
on December 5, 1984. Michael
was with VMCO for 6 years in
the Long Island territory. He
was 51 years old and leaves his
wife Ann and 5 children. Van
Munching Co. extends our
sincere condolences to the
family and join with them in
mourning his loss.