5UTH ANNIVERSARY Heineken Container at Boening Bros., Lindenhurst, L.I. Left to
right are 3 generations of Boenings: Harold Boening, III, beginning his career at Boening;
Harold, "Hap" Boening, Jr., President and Harold, "Harry" Boening, Chairman.
JUBILANT Queens West 4 team holding
handsome Heineken Cup trophy for win-
ning^ 1983 Brooklyn-Queens Sanitation-
men's Softball League Championship.
GUESS WHAT the Consolidated Package Store in Bridgeport, Conn, is featuring! Bob
Pascale, VMCO Ass't Div. Manager on the left and Mark Esposito, VMCO Sales Rep. on
the right, flank a Consolidated employee.
Heineken for the King!
The Philadelphia Center Hotel
had a reception last week for
King Nana Kuame Akuoko Sar-
pong, from the Ashanti region of
Ghana. When the king had been
seated in a position of honor,
one of his attendants was asked
if the king was hungry.
"The king never eats in public,"
the attendant responded. But
the king did consent to have a
beer, a Heineken.
Universal Brands, Miami, kept
these 4 secretaries busy taking
orders during Leo Van Munch
ing Month. The contest re
sulted in over 113,000 cases be
ing sold—up over 13% for the
same period in '82. Left to right:
Maritza, Maria, Mariene and
Odalis. Fantastic job, girls!
What makes Judith Saleeby's
"Special Dark Bock Bread" so
special? It's made with Heineken
"Special Dark"—that's what
makes it "special." Judith bakes
a large batch each week for the
"Judies European Baked
Goods" emporium at 126 Shore
Dr., Branford, CT.
Heineken on a pedestal
Two lovely views in Stop Shop store at
Branford, Conn. On the left, very pretty
Heidi Norton, daughter of Jack Norton,
DiChello Distributor salesman. At right,
Heineken on Stop Shop's own wire ped
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