Heineken Scores
Another First
Here are some excerpts from the welcoming address made by Mr. Alfred Heineken Jr. to
Mr. Mrs. Leo Van Munching Jr. and 48 other visitors from VMCO at the trailer ceremony
in Amsterdam celebrating 50 years of Heineken in America.
Celebrating VMCO's "Fiftieth" and the
first back cover beer advertisement to ap
pear in Life Magazine, Charles Whit-
tingham, publisher, presents laminated
blow-up of ad to Leo Van Munching, Jr.,
president, VMCO. Flanking them, left and
right, are A1 Nilson, VMCO ad manager
and John McAna, V.P. and national sales
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AND YOU THINK you've got a delivery
problem! Here's the way Heineken gets to
restaurants and stores in Venice. It goes by
small boat (lower left) on a canal to a spot
near the customer's location. Then it's
transferred to a hand track wheeled by a
couple of men (note the Heineken Tee-
shirts) across a tiny foot bridge (top)so
lovers like those in the gondolas can enjoy
it. The picture is from the cover of Heine-
ken's International Magazine, "Contact."
BEAUTIFUL crystal plaque presented to
Leo Van Munching, Jr., by the Van Munch
ing staff in commemoration of the 50th
Anniversary of Van Munching and Heine
ken Brewery. It's on display in the New
York headquarters. At left, Leo Van
Munching, Jr.; John McAna, right.
"Welcome to Amsterdam to celebrate
the 50th anniversary of successful coop
eration between the Heineken and Van
Munching Companies.
"Amsterdam. City of good times,
good cheer and famous beer. Amster
dam. Where the Heineken and Van
Munching cooperation started back in
1933. What better place to begin today's
"Our first stop today, Zoeterwoude,
not only the home of Heineken's most
modem brewery in the Netherlands but
also of "Barremolen," an original Dutch
windmill built in 1661 on the brewery
"Zoeterwoude is a place of dedication.
Because, as you all probably know, the
Windmill was dedicated to Mr. Van
Munching, Sr. in the year 1975 as a sign
of appreciation for all the efforts of Van
Munching and Company. Which goes to
show, Leo, that the gratitude and the
appreciation we have is not a one day
thing but goes back for many years, and
is still so today.
"Now, usually in companies, in beer
companies, you talk with men, you talk
about men. And we thought that the
only good beginning of this day would
be that we would try to pay a special
tribute to you, Peggy. (Mrs. Leo Van
Munching, Jr.)
"Not because you only drink Heine
ken, that's just a matter of good taste. Or
because you're the woman behind the
man, either. No, the real reason why we
wanted to do something special for you
here is because of the everlasting care in
nurseries which you have extended to all
of our Heineken people, who have been
on the other side of the ocean.
"So we have found a flower in Hol
land—a gabriea—that we would like to
baptize in the name of Peggy Van Mun
"From now on, then, there will not
only be Heineken Beer, but also a Peggy
flower from Holland.
"Next stop," said Mr. Heineken then,
"is Rotterdam Harbor, the major ship
ping point for Heineken export to the
"Having left the Harbor, we are com
ing into the ECT container terminal
where Heineken is loaded and shipped
to the United States practically every
"The special container ships we use
can accommodate the whole Heineken
band, all volunteers from the Heineken
brewery in 's-Hertogenbosch besides.
But today we want to focus on just one
special container—one container that
symbolizes fifty full years of cooperation
between the Heineken and Van Mun
ching Companies.
"This container not only contains
beer, but as a souvenir of your trip to
Holland, also contains a silver plated tray
and twelve Heineken glasses engraved
with a special text for everybody in your
"There's a special present for you, too,
Leo. Remember our bet about how
many cans of Heineken Beer you would
sell that year in the United States? Well,
my estimate turned out to be too opti
mistic, and you won. It was pretty stupid
of me to make the bet in the first place. It
was your organization, after all, and you
could decide how many to sell. So how
would I possibly win?
"Anyway, I lost and you're getting a
whole case of twelve year old Glenmark
Whiskey so you can go back to really
selling Heineken again.
"The rest of the pallet we filled with
some special cans of Anniversary Heine
ken all adorned with the Van Munching
"Then, since no shipping line will ship
just one pallet of beer, we added 18 pal
let of regular Heineken to fill the con
tainer. And we're shipping those 18
pallets free to VMCO—with no invoice.
"And that takes care of the container—
but, still another present. This bronze
bell for the hall of your office in New York
—a symbol and souvenir of our half a
century relationship. As you can see it
bears suitable symbols of important
events during the past 50 years.
"And now back to Amsterdam to
change for tonight's dinner at the Amstel
After dinner that night, Mr. Heineken
paid tribute to all the people and dedica
tion that had made the collaboration be
tween both companies so successful
over the years—particularly Leo Van
Munching, Sr., founder of VMCO.
In reply, Leo Van Munching, Jr. ex
pressed sincere appreciation for the tre
mendous support and understanding
afforded VMCO by Heineken, and pre
sented Mr. Heineken with a magnificent
American eagle, symbol of both the
United States, and a mutually beneficial
and exciting business venture which
made the following letter from a Dutch
immigrant possible. The following was
then read aloud by Mr. Van Munching.
To the Statue of Liberty,
Ellis Island Foundation, Inc.
Dear Mr. Bert Moser:
We are pleased to enclose our check
to the order of the Statue of Liberty Ellis
Island Foundation to be used for the res
toration of the Statue of Liberty. We are
delighted to make this contribution on
the occasion of our 50th year in the
United States and in memory of the late
Mia C. Van Munching, wife of the
founder of our company. Please accept
our check in the amount of one million
dollars towards the restoration and for
the perpetuation of this historic and
memorable monument.
Van Munching Co.