Amstel Sales Keep Soaring
HAIL, HAIL! Happy Holidays from the Van Munching headquarters staff. From left to
right: Vincent DeMichele, Theresa McCarthy, Doreen Cheeseman, Ray Mazzochi, Betty
Behan, Chris Zellin, Pascale Peguero (hidden), Eve Santiago, Kaye Brady (hidden), Denis
Hepburn, Grace Acoro, John McAna, Leo Van Munching, Jr., (Back row) Eugene Pre-
sseau, George Kahl, Matt Nestor, Dorothy Pugliese, Leslie Hart, Rita Goldsmith, John
Murphy, (2nd row) Pauline Szturma, Mary Greene, Lorraine Schillat, Carol Vaccaro,
Lorraine Spitery, Pat Gale, (kneeling-left to right) John Shioris, Andy Jenner, Bob Mer-
riam, Carl Viggiano, Jim Amone, Bill Massa, Orlando Brathwaite. The rest of the staff are
out of camera range. Sorry about that.
THIS NEW and eye-catching "Holiday
Cheer" display carries a gift idea that
should move a lot of Heineken cases at
Over 100% sales increase in Amstel
Light Bier was achieved in 1983—further
reinforcing its position as the #1 im
ported light beer.
Strong advertising support—more $'s
per case than any other import—dy
namic merchandising and P.O.S. sup
port, an aggressive, dedicated sales team
and continuing taste trials that convert
more and more new customers—all con
tributed to the record year.
Not too bad for a "three year old"—
but just wait till you see the Amstel per
formance in 1984!
Welcoming Committee
50th Anniversary special container of Heineken arrives at Port Elizabeth, New Jersey,
October 12, 1983. Beautifully hand-painted on 3 sides with the Heineken logo and a
special Anniversary indicia, the 40long container was originally presented as a gift to
VMCO from Heineken, N.V. in Rotterdam on Sept. 28, 1983. On hand for the occasion
were, from left, Tom Marino and John Callea of Atlantic Container Line; Bill Ellis,
Meadowlands Warehousing Corporation; John McAna, Leo Van Munching, Jr., and Vin
cent DeMichele, VMCO; and Daniel Kerrigan, ACL.
George Kahl, formerly
Metro N.Y. Manager, has
been appointed Ass't Na
tional Sales Manager and
will work with'Ken Blair
on field supervision, tak
ing over some of the
extensive travel commit
ments necessary to that
job, strengthening the na
tional VMCO sales man
agement team. Manny
Busto, former sales rep.
in the Metro Division was
promoted to fill George
Kahl's spot as Metro New
York Manager. All success
to both of them in their
new positions.
April and May marked
10th Anniversaries with
VMCO for Arthur Bock,
Jr., Allen Hal Trombly
and George M. Mruk, Jr.
of the VMCO sales staff.
Congratulations and wel
come to the VMCO 10
Year Club.
Leonard Schlachter, vet
eran of 15 years in adver
tising, marketing and
sales promotion has
joined A1 Nilson in the
Advertising Department.
Welcome aboard. Len.