"Warmest Holiday Greetings -
and sincere congratulations"
Paw Yourself
a Grizzly
Come to
think of it...
Happy Holidays
to all!
Vol. XXXIV No. 3
Winter, 1983
Advertising, promotion themes, point-
of-sale material and product allocation
are now ready for introduction in the
U.S. of Grizzly, a Canadian lager beer.
Grizzly is brewed exclusively for
VMCO by Hamilton Breweries, Hamil
ton, Ontario—a fully owned subsidiary of
Amstel Brewery, Canada, Ltd.
According to Leo Van Munching, Jr.,
"Canadian beers have shown excellent
growth in the U.S. beer market during
the past 5 years," and Grizzly can help to
fill "a sizeable niche between super-
premium domestics and European im
Grizzly will be the second imported
brand introduced by VMCO since 1980
and the advent of Amstel Light.
TERRIFIC IDEA!...from James Gal
lagher in Philadelphia came this phota of
his Christmas tree decorated with Heine-
ken beer coasters, for a wonderful effect.
Leo Van Munching, Jr.
VMCO President
"On this 50th Anniversary of im
porting Heineken Beer, I would
like to express my gratitude to
our No. 1 team for making us so
successful. I am confident that the
outstanding efforts of our VMCO
sales force, distibutor organiza
tions and retailers will continue
and lead us to even greater suc
cesses in 1984 and the years to
come. Each and every member
of this great team deserves credit
for putting us out in front and
keeping us there!"