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New Headquarters for VMCO
...Bigger, Brighter, Better
Champions All
Vol. XXXV, No. 2
Fall, 1983
Dr. "J.," him
self, hustles up
a bottle of the
best at the
Serve for Chil
dren Day," in
Cathy Mant, popular LPGA pro, falls in
love with the new Heineken 6 ft. inflatable
bottle at the Chrysler/Plymouth Classic,
Upper Montclair, New Jersey. Cathy
carries the Heineken Golf Bag in all
major LPGA Tournaments throughout the
Commuter campaign generates over
1.25 billion consumer impressions in just 2
Six hundred and twenty nine, four-color
posters in New York and Chicago com
muter locations—plus 34 lighted displays
in 19 major airports—signaled the second
summer of Heineken's cooperative dis
plays with Newsweek and Time magazine.
At the same time, similar posters for
Amstel Light, jointly sponsored with New
York magazine, appeared in 275 com
muter stations in the New York metropoli
tan area—generated nearly 30 million
impressions for the leading, light import.
July, August and September were
marked by an extra $8 million appropri
ation for advertising; $6 million more for
Heineken, $2 million more for Amstel
Light, (see "Amstel Blitz," page 4).
Timed to coincide with peak beer con
sumption months, and capitalizing on
the steadily growing demand for im
ports, these additional outlays will make
total advertising expenditures for 1983
the biggest budget in the import field
by far.
Some $4 million of the Heineken in
crease will be spent on airing a mix of 10
and 30 second "Come to think of it"
spots on local and network television
with a heavy commitment to the U.S.
Tennis Open and football programming:
8 National Football League Game tele
casts and 4 NCAA College Games
with coincident advertising support in
stadium programs, football schedule
posters and campus magazines.
The other $2 million went to increase
radio coverage by more than 50% a
week over the 3 month period and fea
tured sponsorship of a rock music, inter
view format on national network radio.
During the same period too, more
than 63 full page, four color advertise
ments appeared in 25 magazines includ
ing back cover ads in Sports Illustrated
Newsweek, Life and People.
After 20 years at 51 West 51 St., VMCO
headquarters moved on June 30 to
much more modern, convenient and ef
ficient offices in the Rockefeller Center
Complex at 1270 Avenue of the Amer
icas between 50th and 51st Streets in
New York City.
To accommodate both past and future
growth, VMCO now occupies the entire
10th floor at 1270 which provides sub
stantially more room for VMCO person
nel and facilities.
In commenting on the move, Leo Van
Munching, Jr., President, said, "Our new
offices are dramatically more functional
and provide a much more pleasing
working environment for our people. In
particular, we will be able to develop our
computerized traffic and financial opera
tions further and have a much more
managable inter-relationship between
Courtesy, Rockefeller Center, Inc.