The Heineken Sports Beat...
never stops!
Big Heineken Banner Is Big Success Story
As part of its continuous involvement in
major sports events, Heineken was the
"official beer" of the Eastern College
Athletic Conference's Holiday Basket
ball Festival in December at Madison
Square Garden in N.Y.C. Heineken was
featured in all bars and restaurants at the
Garden, signs were prominent and the
electronic message board flashed the
Heineken ad theme, "Come to think of
it..." In addition, Heineken ads were
in the program and on the back cover of
the Garden's college basketball guide. At
Ivy League! This is
page one of the Har
vard/Yale program
used at the closed cir
cuit showing of the
game at Gibbys in Fort
Lauderdale, containing
a full color Heineken
page. The restaurant
was decorated with P.O.S. and a lot of
cases of Heineken and Amstel were en
joyed by the spectators.
half time, John McAna, V.P. and Na
tional Sales Manager of VMCO, at right
in photo above, presented the inaugural
Heineken Achievement Award to Lou
Camesecca, coach of St. John's Univer
At Brennan's Pub in Bergenfield, N.J., the
First Annual Golf Dinner was a smash.
Heineken P.O.S. prizes were given out and
every guest received a crested Heineken
Mug. In the photo, second from right, is
Jim Brennan, the owner, and VMCO Rep
Joe Ferro is second from left. Mr. Brennan
said, "Having Heineken added a special
touch to the affair."
The giant Heineken 3'xlO' banner is be
ing put up everywhere because it works
wonders. Put it up for accounts in your
territory and watch it pull in customers.
Here are a few recent examples of how it
looks.and its versatility in restaurants,
on trucks, refrigerators, you name it!
On the Lord Bunbury in Brockton, Mass.,
the Heineken banner is highly visible and
pulled in customers like a magnet for a
Heineken night. 22 cases were moved over
the bar!
Hallowed hall at Wesleyan University in
Middletown, Conn., became Heineken
Hall for the night for a Heineken-Amstel
party. You can't miss that banner or the
happy youths.
The Oktoberfest at the U.S. Coast Guard
Academy in New London, Conn., featured
Heineken and Heineken Dark draft plus
wurst and kraut. Great fest and see how
that banner works on a small truck.
At the grand opening of the Hamden,
Conn., Package Store, the giant banner
pulled people to the refrigerator where
they noted the Amstel sign, too. (Point-of-
sale is where it's at!)
More big sports
Heineken was at the Fort Lauderdale In
ternational Boat Show with a full color
ad in the program. Despite four days of
rain, 272 cases of Heineken cans were
sold at the show.
Good action at the USTA Men's Clay
Court Championship in West Palm
Beach, with a Heineken full color ad in
the program. Both Heineken and Amstel
moved well, this event being a new
Amstel Light Bier account.
Amstel Light also had full color pages
in the programs of the following events
(except the USTA programs which car
ried Heineken color pages): the Lynda
Carter/Maybelline Tennis Classic, Deer-
field Beach, Florida; the Florida Federal
Open at East Lake Woodlands, Florida;
the USTA Championships in Sarasota;
and the Nastase Hamptons Invitational
Hamptons, Florida. All moved Heineken
and Amstel to happy sports fans.
BIG WINNERS! The annual Phi Kappa
Theta Fall Classic Basketball Tourna
ment had two winners this year at the
University of Kansas. The Boys Club of
Lawrence, Kansas, got the proceeds
from this fund raising event and the win
ning team, Beta Theta Pi Fraternity, won
a case of Heineken for each member.
Kansas Beverage Distributors donated
the cases of Heineken and the Heineken
T-shirts for this overwhelming event.
Parties, ads in campus paper, local radio
that mentioned Heineken in the public
service spots and displays produced a
23% increase in sales. Take a look at that
happy team!
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