95 calories never tasted so Imported!
Amstel Tennis Tournament
A Smash at East Lyme, CT
New Amstel
Off and on premise P.O.S.
At the Lyme Shores Racquet Club
in East Lyme, the Amstel Light
Tournament held recently was a
sensational success. It drew a good
crowd that enjoyed the matches as
well as the Amstel Light and the
prizes. The mixed doubles
tournament was the work of VMCO
Rep. Mark Esposito.
Winnersleft to right, Eric
Baldoni, Michelle Forcier, Tennis Pro
Ken Owen, and runners-up, Sheryl
Yeary and Dick Ferraguto.
wmm i
Celebration!.tennis fans' smiles make it obvious that the prizes and Amstel
Light at the East Lyme Tournament mean happiness.
Big, eye
bullseye in red,
black and gold
on white.
Handy, hang
ing, full color
Bottle Topper
with space for
Full-color, six-pack price
card slotted to fit into
cells of six-pack.
Beautifully designed,
full color table tent with
easy pop-up feature.
Great reminder to enjoy
Amstel Light with lunch
or dinner.
Say it big and beautiful! This highly attractive and very visible Amstel Light message
is on the side of a Paulus Distributing truck operating out of their warehouse in Skokie,
111. Terrific job!
Neat cooler
sign directs
customers to
Amstel Light.
Elegant acrylic wall plaque with beveled
edges. A classic sign for classic beer—
Amstel Light Bier.