No wonder Amstel Light Bier sales are soaring
95 calories never tasted so imported!
AMSTEL LIGHT continues its participa
tion in major sports events by co-sponsor
ing the recent Renault 74th Women's
Indoor Tennis Championship in Philadel
phia. At the event are, left to right, A1
Nilson, VMCO Ad Manager; John McAna,
VMCO V.P. and National Sales Manager;
tournament winner, Barbara Potter; Fred
Otto and Dan Neglia, VMCO Division
Managers. Ms. Potter was winner, earlier
this year, of the inaugural Amstel Light
Bier Award, honoring her contributions to
tennis "on and off the court."
Party was held the day before the event
at the U.S. Steak House in Manhattan
with more than 1,000 runners in atten
dance. Sponsored by Runner Magazine,
Heineken and Amstel Light Bier, the all-
you-can-eat-and-drink open house
was, as usual each year, a fantastic suc
cess. At the party were, left to right,
John Grogan, Senior V.P. of SSC&B,
Heineken ad agency; Russell Brown,
SSC&B Account Exec.; Frank Shorter,
one of America's premier distance run
ners, and Douglas Brodman, Amstel
Light Product Manager.
Amstel Results
On The Barrelhead!
CUSTOMERS lined up at Studebakers
Lounge in New Orleans, La., at a recent
Amstel Light promotion. At the big night
were, left to right, Angelo Najoila, New
Orleans Beverage Supervisor, Ken Fon-
tenot, VMCO Rep, Janice Leblanc and
Dennis Moreau of New Orleans Beverage.
The large barrelhead was made by the in
genious Ken Fontenot and it was a great
attention getter.
95 calories never drew
such a big crowd!
NEW YORK, Chicago and Philadelphia
commuters saw this new Amstel train end-
card campaigna heavy showing with a
strong selling message. Pictured just after
the card was posted are, left, VMCO V.P.
National Sales Manager, John McAna and
A1 Nilson, VMCO Ad Manager.
THE MAD HATTER in New York City held
an Amstel Week this Fall and attracted big
crowds. Also sold 7 cases of Amstel every
night of the week. The event featured a
raffle for two tickets to "Nine," the Broad
way hit musical. At the party one night
were, left to right, Doug Brodman, Amstel
Light Product Manager at VMCO, Ginny,
Mad Hatter Manager, George Kahl,
VMCO New York Metro Manager and
John Sapienza, Port Distributors Heine
ken Brand Manager.
Terrific rear view!
New Amstel truck decals are perfect for
backs of trucks. They assure fantastic ex
posure, sell around the clock, even at
night (car headlights at night provide
bright illumination). Here are some out
standing examples
Universal Brands,
Miami, Fla.
Dichello Distributors,
Orange, Calif.
LaPrado Distributors,
Gainesville, Fla.
Palm Beach, Florida, held by Wm. Thies
and Sons, included a sales contest (that
450 figure on the Amstel Bullseye is not a
price, it's a contest case quota). Results of
the sales effort upped Amstel sales 63% in
the territory. In the photo are, left, Thies
driver, Tom Brindle and Sales Manager,
Joe Nedelsky.