I mronnaiis
Heineken Truck Decals moving outdoor billboards!
Engine Hose Co. #6 in Paw-
tucket, R.I. had an Amstel-Heine-
ken Night at the end of August. It
drew a big crowd of beer buffs and
moved a lot of Heineken and
Amstel. Three alarm success!
The Philadelphia Inquirers
"today" recently ran a big story on
rock star Robert Hazard. The
writer who interviewed Hazard
mentioned, "On a nearby table
sits a case of Heineken on ice.
Then, Let's be cool with the lan
guage, he says, "popping open a
bottle of Heineken.
Raso Mass Display at a Shoprite
Store in New City, N. Y. was an
exceptional jobHeineken was
the only import shown and the
facings were dead center of the
display. It moved the #1 Imported
Strassenfest is an annual three day
German festival in St. Louis
German foods and music with all
proceeds from concessions going
to non-profit organizations. In
1981 a German beer was first in
sales. BUT this year, Jim Franczak,
VMCO Rep, reports that Heine
ken was number ONE brand con
sumed. Congratulations!
Down on Mulberry Street in New
York City there's a big celebration
each year in honor of San Gen-
naro. The Heineken booth was a
sensation in sales
At Sizzler Family Steak House in
Louisville, Ky., a Heineken Shoe
and Dummy Bottle display made
a hit. There were duplicate dis
plays in a majority of the restau
rants in the chain where Heineken
is the only bottled beer sold.
Gus Michael, owner of Michael's
in Highland, III., which featured
Heineken exclusively at the Octo
ber Fest, including Heineken Dark
on tap. Reason for Heineken ex
clusivelyin the May Fest it out
sold every other beer by a wide
Now Available
This giant Amstel Banner is tear-
proof, can be used hundreds
of times at Amstel special events.
It's 3 feet wide, 5 feet longin
black, white and gold, with four
brass grommets. Dynamite!
pointed VMCO V.P. Allen Ackerman, Divi
sion Manager, West Coast. Allen's hand
gets a hearty shake from VMCO President
Leo Van Munching, Jr. as V.P., National
Sales Manager, John McAna, smiles ap
25th Anniversary
HONORING Richard Geary's twenty-
five years of service to VMCO, Leo Van
Munching, Jr., VMCO President, left,
presented Dick with a miniature copper
brew kettle. Dick is a recent retiree from
the Chicago territory.
New VMCO Ten Year
Club Members1982
Welcome and congratulations to these
six VMCO employees who, this year,
have joined the Ten Year ClubJohn
Abraham, Maxwell Feintuch, Bernard
Glicksman, Alvin A. Nilson, Dorothy A.
Pugliese and Heinz W. Schulz.
New VMCO Reps
The following have joined the #1 Sales
Team as RepsManuel F. Buston of
Tarrytown, N.Y.; Thomas S. Sullivan
of Fairfield, Conn.; Dennis Costello, who
is working in the Illinois area, and Wil
liam R. McDonald of Carmichael, Calif.
BARBARA POKRIN of Fairfield, Conn.,
won a free trip to Holland courtesy of
Heineken, WICC Radio and Dichello
Distributors. WICC promoted the
contest on the air1,500 responded
from all over Southern Connecticut. At
the prize presentation were Vince
Cremona, V.P. and General Manager of
WICC, left; Barbara, and John McAna,
V.P., National Sales Manager of VMCO.
DeCrescente Distributors Netti Beverage Bell Distributors
Mechanicville, N.Y. Syracuse, N.Y. Sacramento, Calif.
Big drive! Todd Justak, Indianapolis, Ind., had a sales contest for new placements of
Heineken with terrific results. The twenty drivers above opened one hundred and twenty
new accounts, sold thirty-six hundred cases of the #1 Imported Beer! The drivers are all
dressed up in their Heineken campus jackets supplied by the distributor.