"Come to think of itHappy Holidays To All!
A $4,000,000 Holiday Package For
Heineken and Amstel Light!
Winter, 1982
Big Idea...
1,260 cases!
elude this photo of a mountain of Heine-
ken, a 1,260 case display in the Brown
Jug Warehouse Liquor Store in Anchor
age, Alaska, put up by Alaska Distribu
tors. The first giant Heineken display was
erected in June and sold through very
quickly. A second, same size, went up in
September and the mountain moved
just as fast. The bigger they are the better
they sell! Heineken is Alaska's #1 Im
ported beer. What else is new!
A Spinnaker Is A Giant Sail!
THE SPINNAKER is also a fabulous
night spot in Panama City Beach, Flor
ida, that moves 1,400 cases of Heineken
BIG Saleevery month to beach-
goers who enjoy their Heineken at the
Spinnaker during the summer season. In
the photo, at left, is VMCO Rep Hal
Trombly and Spinnaker owner, Jimmy
Cristo. They're obviously enjoying a
Heineken and the warm sun. Panama
Beverage, in Panama City, services the
Spinnaker's six bars where Heineken is
the exclusive bottled beer.
Early this year, Leo Van Munching, Jr.in
his message to VMCO Distributors, Divi
sion Managers and Sales Representa
tives, said, "In 1982, you can count on
us.we are going to provide you with
quality marketing support, the kind that
will keep Heineken #1."
As 1982 draws to a close, it's very
obvious that the support Mr. Van
Munching, Jr. promised has been more
than fulfilled.
Now there is an additional commit
menta $4,000,000 advertising and
promotion package during the last three
months of this year to move both Heine
ken and Amstel even further out in front.
There is a $3,500,000 Holiday Pack
age for Heineken that includes a Special
Holiday adsee it on this pagein
prime positions in top magazines (like
the back cover of Time shown on this
page). More than 70% of the ads will be
on covers and opposite table of contents.
On the schedule are Time, Life, Ski,
Newsweek, Skiing, Esquire, Sporting
News, Inside Sports, Runner, New
Yorker, Runner's World and Rolling
Stone. In addition, the heavy summer
TV. network and local schedule on
sports programs over ABC, CBS and
NBC will be continued. Saturday Night
Live, too.
Amstel Light Bier also gets a heavy
$500,000 additional advertising drive
during October, November and Decem
ber. in 11 major markets from New
York to San Francisco. Big Sunday mag
azines in top newspapers will be used
all in full page, full color, as well as city
magazines in full page, full color.
#1 MARKETERS for the #1 Imported Beer and the #1 Imported Light Bier at the recent
VMCO Division Managers meeting. Seated, left to right, John McAna, V.P., National
Sales Manager; Leo Van Munching, Jr., VMCO President; Ken Blair, Ass't National Sales
Manager and standing, VMCO Division Managers Messrs. Waselewski,Neglia,Otto, newly
appointed VMCO V.P., Allen Ackerman, Kenney, Bleau, Hegedorn and Curry.
A REAL FIRST...this Heineken Holiday
ad on the back cover of November 8th
TIME marks the first time a beer ad has
ever appeared in this ultra prime position.