Heineken Parties
Make Smiles
and Profits!
There's always a Heineken night, no
matter where you go.because they're
fun and very popular. Here are several
from around the country. Try one in your
territory for a guaranteed success story.
These two giant displays dominate the
store floors and no customer can miss
themthey turn impulses into sales of
Heineken and Amstel. The top photo
shows a display put up by Universal
Brands in Miami, the all Heineken dis
play, below, was created in New Orleans
by New Orleans Beverage Agency. If
you're a Rubik Cube fan, can you figure
out how many cases there are in these
Portable Heineken Party!
Backback a SixpackA sensational,
new idea for Fall action and the back-to-
college crowd, a waterproof, urethane
coated nylon backpack that can tote a
sixpack of Heineken plus the fixins for a
great picnic. The backpack has adjust
able shoulder straps, zippered flap
pocket, removable polyfoam liner and a
web carrying handle. It's a bargain, only
$9.95. This full color display with cou
pons for ordering will get big action and
sales coast-to-coast. Talk it up, it's going
to move more Heineken cans!
Just Outnew off-premise items that
tie in with Heineken national advertising,
"Come to think of it, I'll have a Heine-,
ken." From top to left, clockwise, Shelf
Strip, Giant 24" Bullseye with larger
copy area than before, Bottle Topper
which can also be used on cans, Counter
Mat and Six Pack Price/Counter Card.
Come to think of it, they'll all boost sales!
Murph's Study Hall on the York, Pa., College
Campus held a Heineken night attended by,
among many others, Fred Otto of VMCO, an
attractive lady named Sue and Henry Lamar of
Sheffer Distributors.
Frontier Bar in St. Paul put on a Heineken
Mug Night. By 9:15 in the evening they ran out
of 30 dozen mugs and moved 63 cases of Heine
ken. McLean Distributing Co. in St. Paul is plan
ning more Mug Nightsthey've used about
150 dozen in two months at retail accounts.
E.L. Kracker's Lounge, Charleston, 111.,
home of Eastern Illinois University, told us they
didn't even have time to put Heineken in the bin.
It went from "walk in" right out of the case.
Tale of the Bear Restaurant in Genesico,
N.Y. features a dance contest with Heineken
P.O.S. as prizes. On Saturday nights they move
60 to 70 cases of the #1 Imported Beer.
The Rathskeller in Washington, D.C. put on
an Amstell Light Night that drew a big crowd.
This young lady modelled an Amstel T-shirt
complete with Amstel Light and mugs.