Them All
German Alps Festival
How VMCO Keeps Heineken
in Front"
ceLtfc FestfoaL
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tE Mountain Eagle
Centennial Celebrations
Holland Week in Chicago was a highly
successful event Carson, Pirie, Scott
Co., The Palmer House hotel and the
Brassery were all involved in the activi
ties. Special menus at the restaurants
featured Heineken, Heineken Dark and
Amstel in both the city and seven subur
ban stores. Big ads appeared in the Sun
Times and Tribune. And there was a
drawing with Heineken umbrellas as
prizes. The Netherlands Chamber of
Commerce in the United States, Inc.
gave VMCO Rep Harold Bollman spe
cial praise in a letter to Bob Waselewski,
VMCO Midwest Division Manager.
In Orlando, Fla., the World Trade
Council of Central Florida has a Trade
and Investment with the Netherlands
conference which featured a Heineken
display. Check your marketsthe Cen
tennial lasts all of 1982.
Spiffed |P
Come to think of it
ni hove a Heineken
All summer long these festivals have
been exciting events at Hunter Mountain
in New York State. And all summer, the
big Heineken banner has told everyone
attending the festivals what was served
as the "official" beerHeineken. That
beautiful banner is three feet by ten feet
and it's available to top a Heineken night
anywhere. Distributors can get a banner
for only $20and it makes a big im
pression at Heineken promotional
Even though it looks like it, they're not hav
ing an argument. They're John McAna,
VMCO V.P and National Sales Manager, and
A1 Nilson, Advertising Manager of VMCO, as
you undoubtedly know. They were posed this
way for a major article in Modern Brewery
Age, discussing the leadership of Heineken
and Amstel Light. It's in the July 19 issue of
MBA and if you haven't seen it, try to get a
copy. Informative reading.
Harold Bollman, VMCO Rep at the Amstel
Bier tasting at the Palmer House in Chicago.
Upi iy&Af s
College Expo in both Daytona Beach and
Lauderdale were major events with seas of col
lege men and girls. Heineken and Amstel were
big favorites. Gary Hegedorn, VMCO Division
Manager, reports that this lively booth drew
over 1,000 people a day for the five day Expo in
Daytona. And you can't miss the P.O.S.!
In Orlando, at the Trade and Investment With
the Netherlands meeting, are, left to right, Mar
gie E. Varney, Executive Director of the World
Trade Council of Central Florida, Ger Van Der-
made, Council member, and Don Starling,
Sales Manager, Grantham Distributing Co.,
Great Touch of Class! John's Bar Grille in
Philadelphia, at 3rd and South Street, used ten
Heineken umbrellas to dress up the outdoor
cafe. Result: a beautiful, new look that attracted
a lot of customers in this active Philly tourist