Heineken Ad Budget
Up $3 Million More
.Amstel $1 Million
Where There's SportsThere's Heineken
Fall, 1982
Merry Christmas Tree!
Remember this picture from the
Spring, 1982, Windmill? We're repeat
ing it to remind you that this coming
Christmas, a Heineken tree is a dynamite
idea for stores in your territory. Make it
big! (This one had 265 cases of Heine
ken) add green holiday roping coming
down from the "tree top," some
Christmas decorations hung on the rop
ing and you've got a fantastic selling dis
play. Last year, trees like this were put up
by Alaska Distribution Co., Seattle,
Wash, three weeks before the Christmas
season started and they sold out before
the season was over! Plan ahead!
VMCO has again increased ad
budgets this year by $4 million.
Heineken's increase includes network
TV, as well as spot TV in sixteen major
markets. The boost for Amstel focuses
on a new print campaign in eleven major
markets. Heineken is the only imported
brand using network in its ad mix.
The additional Heineken schedule will
feature 30-second commercials on se-
All year long and all across the country
Heineken is involved heavily in sports
simply because people who love sports
love Heineken.
Some fairly recent sport events at
which Heineken was starred, include the
Sun Bird Cup, 1982 Tournament of
Champions at Grenelefe, Florida.
VMCO Rep Sam Hardy reported sales of
lected NFL football telecasts on CBS and
NBC, NCAA football on CBS, ABC
Wide World of Sports and intensive cov
erage on CBS of the U.S. Open Tennis
The new campaign for Amstel will be
in print mediaSunday newspaper
supplements and city magazinesto in
troduce the new Amstel Light theme,
"95 calories never tasted so imported."
nearly 200 cases of Heineken at the
Grenelefe resort.
The Federation Cup at Santa Clara,
California, a major tennis tournament
whose program carried full color page
ads for Heineken and Amstel. Our re
freshment stand in the Decathlon Club,
where the tournament was played, did a
fantastic job of quenching spectator thirst
between matches.
Sport Magazine, August issue, carried
the Heineken 1982 Monday Night Foot
ball Guide, a four color folder that lists all
games and starting times. This is an
annualand very popular Heineken
promotionwith football fans.
New, dramatic wallplaquea Heineken
giant "On Tap Bottle Cap" for premium draft
accounts. It's nineteen inches in diameter with
raised letters in white, gold and greenvisible
on the wall across any crowded room. Comes
polybagged, two to a carton. For more sales, get
'em up!
At the Federation Cup, giant Heineken and
Amstel banners marked the spot where
attendees could get Heineken and Amstel
Heineken Monday Night
Football Guide which ap
peared in August Sport
Surrounded by Heineken Umbrellas are, left
to right, Jack Van Hart, Sales Manager of Apex
Distributing, Lakeland Florida, Mike Clements,
Owner of Zimmerman's Lounge and Lyonal
Lindsey, Jr., V.P. and General Manager of Apex
during the Sun Bird tournament.