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Heineken Traveling Companion
at Inverrary
6 New VMCO Reps
Join #1 Sales Team
We Salute Our
VMCO Retirees
Mrs. Leo Van Munching
We are all greatly saddened by the
recent death of Mia Van Munching,
wife of our founder. Mrs. Van
Munching, who died in
Greenwich, Conn., is survived by
her husband, Leo Van Munching,
a daughter, Mrs. Anne Ryan of
Greenwich, a son, Leo Van
Munching, Jr., of Darien, Conn.,
President of VMCO, and ten
grandchildren. To her family and
friends we offer our sincere condo
We welcome aboard these men who are
new VMCO Sales Representatives on
the #1 Sales Team for the #1 Imported
Beer. They were selected because they
are aggressive, imaginative salesmen
who have the drive to keep Heineken on
top and moving up all the time. Floyd
Mackey, Area 7G, Arizona; Steven J.
Sprofera, Area IE, New Jersey; Gerald
A. Mahar, Area IB, Eastern New York;
Arley K. Mitchell, Area 4G, North Caro
lina; David G. Visaggio, Area B, Queens,
N.Y. and Joseph P. Kowalczyk, Area 1A,
Westchester and Rockland Counties,
We salute these two men who have been
with VMCO for a total of 40 years and
wish them many years of health and
happiness. They have made great con
tributions to the success of the #1
Imported Beer. Peter Tort joined VMCO
in 1967. Richard Geary came aboard in
1957. Best of everything from all at
SUMMER PROGRAM—Portable fun is
a good way to describe the new Heine
ken Cooler which gets into action for the
summer. It's a most attractive, rugged,
insulated cooler with a sure-grip handle.
Holds a six pack of Heineken plus three
trays of ice. And only $12.95. This full
color display with coupons for ordering
will be getting attention and sales all over
the country. Cool idea! And speaking of
cool ideas for summer, don't forget the
sensational POS items20" Dimen
sional Can, 8V2" Vacuum Sign with
foam-stick pad, 8W' Bullseye with self-
stick back and acetate shelf strips. They
all sell Heineken cansportable air-con
ditioning for hot weather!
Here's one you might use in your
territory because there are golf tour
naments all over the country. It hap
pened at the famous Inverrary Classic
in Lauderhill, Fla. VMCO Rep Bill
Coats knew Heineken was available
in the clubhouse on draft and in bot
tles. But the club had decided not to
use Heineken cans on the golf course
until Bill showed management the
full color Heineken page ad in the
program. Result, 167 cases of Heine
ken cans sold at three tent stands on
the course!
Heineken has a national program
at golf tournaments all over the coun
tryfull color ads in tournament pro
grams. Every one is an opportunity
for you. Check the golf events in your
territory and use the Heineken ads as
a lever for more sales. This one
worked sensationally well for Bill
Coats... and he told us about it,
which makes a good story for The
Tell us about any of your successes,
programs, sales pitches that you
worked out and that might be used in
other territories. Send them to A1
Nilson, Ad Manager, VMCO head
quarterswith pictures, if possible.
We'll run the story in Sales Success.
Rare moment when Joseph E. Murphy,
VMCO Meadowlands Warehouse Fore
man paused to pose in the new VMCO
van used for warehouse "specials',' and
which was freshly decorated with the
VMCO/Heineken Van Decal Set.
At the Avon Championships, Barbara
Potter, outstanding young tennis player,
was presented with the Amstel Light Bier
Award by VMCO. Left to right, Ken Blair,
VMCO Asst. National Sales Manager,
Miss Potter, George Kahl, VMCO Metro
Sales Manager and John Sapienza of
Port Distributing. Amstel Light was the
official beer of the Championship.
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