VMCO Toasts 200 Years of
Netherlands-American Friendship
Summer, 1982
All over the U.S. there are ongoing fes
tive activities marking the 200 years of
friendship and cooperation between the
Netherlands and America. One of the
recent highlights was the honor con
ferred on Leo Van Munching, Jr., Presi
dent of VMCO, for his many years of
contribution to the Netherlands, charac
terized by his leadership in making
Heineken the best selling imported beer
in America.
Mr. Van Munch
ing, Jr. was deco
rated by The Nether
lands government
through induction
into The Order of
Orange-Nassau at
the office of the
Consul-General of
The Netherlands in New York City. His
father, Leo Van Munching, Sr., was also
presented with this honor several years
The Order of Orange-Nassau was es
tablished in 1892 and is conferred for
unusual service to the Queen, State or
Society. It is symbolized by a medal pre
sented to Mr. Van Munching, Jr. by
Jonkheer Leopold Quarles Van Ufford,
the Consul-General.
In making the presentation, Mr. Van
Ufford said, "This honor is bestowed not
only for the tremendous achievements
of Leo Van Munching, Jr. in the market
ing of Heineken beer in America. It also
reflects his personal dedication to the
Netherlands trade and his efforts in pro
moting goodwill for The Netherlands in
this country." Mr. Van Ufford cited the
fact that Heineken is not only the largest
selling imported beer in America, it is, by
volume, the largest item of any kind ex
ported from The Netherlands to North
Among many other events to mark the
Centennial was "Holland in America: A
Floral Salute" at Neiman-Marcus West
chester. The store was elaborately deco
rated with massed tulips, replicas of
Dutch windmills and flower carts. And,
naturally, as you can see in the photos,
tasteful displays of both Heineken and
In New York City, at the World Trade
Center, a remarkable and beautiful
"street scene", especially constructed in
Holland and shipped here for recon
struction, filled the entire, vast mezza
nine of Tower #1. There were stylized
shops, stores and colorful displays that
included a handsome Heineken and
Amstel display. It was a complicated un
dertaking that turned out to be a fabu
lous success, with large attendance.
In Tampa, Florida, a Netherlands Day
celebration held at the Fairgrounds Exhi
bition Area featured floral booths and
many popular snack bars with Heineken
on draft with many POS pieces.
The 200th Anniversary will continue
all year with many opportunities for
Heineken and Amstel promotion. Help
celebrate in your territory with a tie-in!
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NETHERLANDS Consul-General Jonkheer
Quarles Van Ufford, left, awarding VMCO Pres
ident Leo Van Munching, Jr. the Order of Or
Neiman-Marcus Westchester New York City Tampa, Florida
ceremony were, left to
right, Robert van de
Vijver, Director of Heine-
ken, N.V.; Jonkheer
Quarles Van Ufford, Con-
sul-General; Mrs. Leo
Van Munching, Jr.; Mr.
Van Munching, Jr. and
Maarten Rijkens, Execu
tive V.P., Heineken,