$16.5 Million Commitment
To Keep Heineken #1!
Spring, 1982
April 19th, this year, is the official open
ing day of the Bicentennial of Nether-
land-American relations. On that day
Queen Beatrix and Prince Claus will be
gin their state visit to the U.S.
The Bicentennial activities are already
underway. Recently, Business Week ran
a Netherlands section with a feature
story on "Heinekenthe world's most
exported beer." And The Wall Street
Journal had a special section on the
Netherlands and America with a big
Heineken ad.
Other activities are coming up such as
an Export Exhibition at the World Trade
Center in New York City at which there
will be a major exhibit for both Heineken
and Amstel Light. We'll have more on it
and other activities in the next Windmill.
Meanwhile, there'll be special events,
like the Michigan Tulip Festival, every
where there are Dutch people in the U.S.
You should tie-in to these events wher
ever possible. After all, as the headline
on the Heineken ad in The Wall Street
Journal said, "What better drink to toast
2G0 years of friendship?"
THE ANNUAL VMCO Division Manager
of the Year Award was won by Gary
Hegedorn, shown here, on right, being
congratulated by John Wilkes, his Assist
ant Division Manager, as John McAna,
VMCO National S.M. looks on. Gary is a
two time winner of the award which was
given for all around performance and
excellence by his Southern Division. The
award is a commemorative trophy plus a
substantial bonus.
THE BIG NEWS at the VMCO National Sales Meeting is on the card in the photo
revised upward since the picture was taken to a $16.5 Million Commitment in advertising,
merchandising and promotion for 1982. The increased budget added $3 million to
Heineken effort and $1 million to Amstel Light. In the photo are, left to right, Doug
Bomeisler of SSCB, ad agency for VMCO; John McAna, VP. and National Sales Man
ager; Leo Van Munching, Jr., President; John Grogan, SSCB and A1 Nilson, Ad Manager.
The #1 Sales Team for the #1 Imported
Beer heard about this tremendous
VMCO commitment for 1982 at the re
cent National Sales Meeting, held at the
Time-Life Auditorium in New York City.
Attended by VMCO executives, Divi
sional Sales Managers and Sales Repre
sentatives from nearby markets, the
meeting theme was, "Count on us to be
JOHN A. MEYERS, V.P. and Publisher of
Time, left, presents Leo Van Munching, Jr.,
VMCO President, with his "Man-of-the-
Year" cover.
#1 in commitment.sales.magazine
advertising.television and radio adver
tising. .trade support..and point-of-
sale. Just about everybody in the nation
will be hearing and seeing, "Come to
think of it, I'll have a Heineken."
In his message to VMCO Distributors,
Division Managers and Sales Represent
atives, Mr. Van Munching, Jr. said,
"Thank you all for your fine sales efforts
on behalf of Heineken Holland Beer
"America's #1 Imported Beer"during
this past year. With your help, 1981 was
another great sales year for Heineken.
Market-share increased substantially in a
highly competitive marketplace. Your
performance, with its attendant hard
work and involvement, is a tribute to
your commitment to the brand. It says
we can count on you.
"And, in 1982, you can count on us
we are going to provide you with quality
marketing support, the kind that will
keep Heineken #1.
"We pledge our best efforts and sup
port, and extend to you all our best
wishes for a highly successful 1982."