Get Big Sales Action
From Your Trucks
Amstel Light
Fall Classic...
Great Success
New Amstel Menu Clips
...for Openers!
Trucks deliver a lot more than beer.
they also deliver a hard hitting sales
message with easy-to-use Heineken
and Amstel decals. Here are a few great
examples of advertising on the move
Tarboro, N.C.
BOBBY FISHER, Springfield, Ohio
Amstel T-shirted winners in the
Amstel Light Fall Classic hold their
trophies and flaunt their champion
The Amstel Light Fall Classic, a racquet-
ball tournament was set up by Car-
mello Bambace, Inc., the Amstel
distributor in Hawthorne, N.Y.
There were about 150 participants
competing for prizes of trophies,
Amstel T-shirts and cases of Amstel at
Court-Sports II in Yonkers, N.Y. En
trance fee was $17 per person for one
event, $8 more for a second. And there
were men's and women's novice
classes as well as men's A, B, and C
classes. The weekend tournament was
a fantastic success.
Kim Bambace, who played in the
tourney said that in addition to the 12
cases of Amstel that were awarded as
prizes, 40 cases were consumed by the
If you have a sports-court club in
your area, this is a fantastic idea for a
ALABAMA CROWN, Birmingfon, Ala.
EUREKA! Amstel Bier is the Number
One seller in Greece. So Hal Trombly,
VMCO Sales Representative in North
ern Florida, standing beside a sign
that says it all, reports that Greek res
taurants in his territory get a lot of
sales action by telling the customers
about the popularity of Amstel in the
homeland. Good idea!
Great way to place Amstel Light Bier
with a new account or to service a regu
lar account, are the new Menu Clips,
now available. The Amstel logo is in red
and Imported Light Bier in black. Sorry
we can't show them in color but here's
what one looks like.
THINK BIG! This mountain of Heine-
ken contains 100 cases of regular and
10 cases of dark. It's located in Minne
sota where MGM Liquor has nine
stores, all featuring Heineken. This
display is the biggest. And that's Jeff
Slattery, Store Manager, somewhat
dwarfed by the imposing pyramid of
the Number One Import.
NEARLY 600 CASES were sold at the
Heineken Stand at the summer Illinois
State Fair in Springfield. Bob Wase-
lewski, VMCO Division Manager, re
ports that the sales were big—585
cases. That's Jack McHenry, VMCO
Sales Representative In the center.
This was a first participation for VMCO
in the Fair.
St Petersburg, Fla.
"Come to think of it,
I'll have a Heineken"
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