Heineken Parties
Make Sales Soar...
Try One... You'll See!
ELMIRA, N.Y.—You can tell by the ex
pression that the Heineken Party at
Garrick's was a joyful occasion.
BELLEVILLE, ILL.—Heineken night at
the Arbor Lounge moved 20 cases of
Heineken. Attendance prizes were T-
shirts, plastic bottles, mirrors and
windmills. Jul Fischer, Jr., Executive
V.P. of Jul Fischer Distributor says
sales went up so much that the lounge
is putting Heineken on tap.
KANSAS CITY, MO.—Bogarts set a
party record for Kansas City, selling
67 cases of Heineken. Bartenders,
waitresses and the band were all out
fitted in T-shirts and the house was
packed with people and smiles.
NEW HOPE, PA.John Peter's gen
erated a tremendous crowd, moved a
ton of cases at their Heineken party
night. They advertised it with a win
dow display, had the best local rock
band—in Heineken T-shirts—even
drew pub owners from the area. VMCO
Bill Castelberg, Jr., says it's the best
promotion he ever saw.
ST. LOUIS, MO.—At Tully's III they held
the best Heineken night ever70
cases! In the photo, left to right, Jack
McHenry, VMCO, Steve Dassler, Tully
Ill's Manager and Paul Lebbing, St.
Louis Beer Sales.
CHICAGO, ILL—An Amstel night at
the Old Town West Restaurant really
moved Amstel Light, fourteen cases in
three hours. There were drawings ev
ery 15 minutes for T-shirts, Amstel
mirrors and other P.O.S. items. The
smiles of success are evident above,
on Rita Leonard and Pete Smetana.
What a great ideathe new Heineken
Sun Umbrella, not only superattrac-
tive but a great sales tool. Above, in
Ziegie's Garden, Covington, Ken
tucky, and obviously enjoying the
scene and some Number One Im
ported Beer, are Don Schaeffer,
Schaeffer-Tranter Distributing, Covin
gton; Jack Brown, owner of Ziegie's
and Andy Mather, VMCO. Below, an
other new Heineken umbrella at Fat
Harry's in New Orleans, where New Or
leans Beverage held a Heineken pro
motion and 123 cases of Heineken
were sold. The umbrella was a prize in
the drawing. Also in New Orleans, the
International Ship Chandlers Conven
tion featured a booth that moved 40
cases of Heineken.
11 n. L
"LIBERTY BELLE" is a great sight
seeing boat in New Haven, Conn., and,
as you can see in the photos, is also a
"Heineken Ship." The skipper and his
very pretty first officer really do a job
selling the Number One Imported
Beer. Every cruise is a pleasure trip!