Trucks Are Hard Sell...
With Heineken Decals
Happiness is
a Heineken party.
Amstel Light Gets
Heavy Radio Push
More examples of advertising that
really gets around in your territory, gets
seen by a lot of people and gets results
in sales. Good looking, custom tailored
to fit any size truck, durable in any kind
of weather, Heineken and Amstel De
cals sets get action for the Number One
Import and more sales for you. Here's
Coast-to-coast, Heineken Nights draw
SRO crowds and boost sales. They
never miss! Here are a few parties that
were easy to put on and produced a lot
of sales. Try one!
During August and September Amstel
Light got its first major advertising cam
paigna big radio drive in twenty-
seven top cities coast-to-coast. This
initial campaignwhich will be fol
lowed by more Amstel Light campaigns
had spots on top stations in top
I "Come to think of it,
I'll hove a Heineken"
New Amstel truck decal on Wm. Thies
and Sons, Inc., Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
Bobby Fisher, Springfield, Ohio
Sunset Distributors, Fort Meyers, Flor
AMSTEL party nights are terrific, too.
These college winners obviously love
the T-shirt. And the Amstel sign says
it all.
pub in Teaneck, N.J. had a capacity
crowd at a Heineken night with door
prizes of Heineken plastic bottles, T-
shirts and other POS items. Pub Man
ager said, "Heineken night turned out
to be one of the best beer nights we
ever had." The gala event moved fifty
cases of the Number One import.
That's VMCO's Joe Ferro (in business
suit) surrounded by winners.
PUB AND GRUB in Elmira, N.Y. put on a
very successful Heineken night,
awarding T-shirts and steins to win
ning ticket holders. You can tell from
the happy looks that the operation was
a hit. Sales were great. Gary Moffe,
Sales Manager of Seneca Beverage,
said "Butch" Robinson of Seneca gets
credit for setting it up.
Neal Tyler, Jacksonville, Fla.
Huber Distributors, Fort Pierce, Flor