Heineken has 40% share of market
Does Heineken have 40% of shelf space
in your accounts? If not, they're
missing profits and you're missing sales!
Just in Case
You Missed it...
George J. Kahl
New VMCO Metro N.Y.
Sales Manager
km fS
The 1981 Buyers Guide published by
Telefood magazine, which serves the
Fancy Food and Gourmet Cookware
industry in jhe U.S., contains a very in
teresting article on Heineken. Follow
ing are some excerpts
"Heineken is the most exported beer
in the world and is, by far, the largest
exporter of this drink in Holland.
"Mr. G.A. Heineken, grandfather of
the present president, Alfred Heine
ken, went into the beer business in
1864 when he bought a small brewery
called The Haystackwhich had been in
operation since 1592. Today, there are
three breweries in Holland, producing
an ocean of something over 300 mil
lion gallons of Heineken beer each
year! The optimistic management team
feels that they can increase this quantity
to over 500 million gallons in the near
future. Not everybody in the world
drinks Heineken beer, not even every
Dutchman, but this unimaginable
amount is being quaffed almost as
quickly as it is made.
"Visitors are welcomed to their plant
in Amsterdam, and they do come at the
rate of hundreds of thousands each
year. The tour fee is fifty cents, which
Heineken turns over to the Red Cross
and other charities. It's a worthwhile
experience and one you should try on
your next trip."
Nirone in the beer business could have
more experience in Metropolitan New
York than George J. Kahl, recently ap
pointed VMCO Sales Manager in that
area. He comes to us with twenty-five
years of service at Rheingold, plus a
short stint at Port Distributing as Sales
Manager. He also opened a beer dis
tributor in N.Y. and then joined VMCO.
George was born in Queens, was
graduated from Brooklyn Tech. He was
in the Navy from 1947 to 1952 in the
South Pacific on a destroyer, Radio Op
erator, 1st Class.
He is married and lives with his wife,
Jane, and their four children, Paul, Jeff,
Joseph and Peter, in Brentwood, Long
Island. George is an avid collector
and carverof decoys.
YOU CAN'T have a convention without
a Heineken hospitality group. At the
Pennsylvania Malt Beverage Distribu
tors Association Annual Convention
in Philly, gathered around the famous
windmill are, left to right, Tom Kunda,
Watson. Kunda Sons; Bill Cas-
telberg, VMCO; Jack McGinley, Wilson
McGinley; Kevin Kunda; Fred Otto,
VMCO and Fritz Wilson. In photo be
low, at the Pocono Mountain Hotel
Restaurant Show are, left to right, Bill
Castelberg, VMCO; Joe Yutz, Banko
Beverage; Bill Flick and Fred Otto,
George J. Kahl
VERY FASHIONABLE promotion* This
display in the window of Bernie
Franks, Ltd., an exclusive men's store
in Uniontown Mall, Uniontown, Pa., of
fered a case of Heineken with every
suit purchased. During the three week
offer, thirty suits were sold. Mr. Frank
is thinking of doing the promotion
again, complete with Heineken cases,
display bottles, windmill and all.