Bright Ideas for
In-Store Displays
Makes Sales!
New Faces...
Quick Tour of a Big
Point-of-Sale Center
...the VMCO Warehouse
Jones' Law:
Creativity crops up at a lot of store
counters. Here are a few that are prize
winners and easy to recreatesimple
props and a lively selling message.
They're the initials of a driving new
VMCO sales slogan and, come to think
%of it, the slogan says it all
That's what made Heineken Number
One. That's what will take Amstel to the
top. And M.A.C.E. will keep them there!
Several Number One people have re
cently joined the Number One sales
team. You'll be meeting these Sales
Representatives in your territory very
soon: James M. Norton, Central N.Y.;
John Paimieri, Conn. James P. Castagna,
Md., Washington, D.C. and North Va.;
Edward M. Sperka, Ind.; Kenneth R.
Fontenot, La. and Miss.; Kenton R.
Smith, William R. MacDonald and Wil
liam J. Steinback, all Northern Cal. and
James R. Franczak, Missouri and Kan.
0Continued from page 1
stores in the shortest possible time. In
the pictures with this story are some of
the steps necessary to transform moun
tains of items into useable quantities
and sent where they'll do the most
goodin a hurry.
The man who can smile when things go
wrong has thought of someone he can
blame it on.
Little sketch of a bearded old man
pasted on a sign that says, "Rip Van
Winkle missed a lot of things," and
presto, unusual appeal.
BASKET with a couple of plastic crabs,
plastic Heineken bottle and six-pack.
Add a sign that says, "Ah...the good
life. Heineken and crabs." Instant ap
POS ORDERS are handled by Made
line Flatteross who processes orders
into shipping labels.
TAKE a couple of yards of fish net, add
a sign that says, "Another boatload of
Heineken is here", and you attract ex
tra attention.
KEY MAN, Fred Perez, gets labels, af
fixes them to cartons and moves them
AND how about this simple but effec
tive remindercounter pad, wooden
shoes, few bottles of Heineken and
glass. Little card says, "Wouldn't you
rather have a Heineken?" It sells!
RARE quiet moment at the warehouse
and Bill Ellis, VMCO Warehouse Man
ager enjoying it.