Quick Tour of a Big
Point-of-Sale Center
...the VMCO Warehouse
Terrific New Idea!...
Celebrity Notes...
Heineken TV Spots Make
One Billion Impressions
...Right, One Billion!
New! Giant Wall Size
Heineken Posters
Fall, 1981
Ever wonder where all those great
Heineken and Amstel point-of-sale
and promotion pieces originate and
how they get distributed all over the
country? Here are a few highlights
The display and Point-of-Sale pieces
are created by artists and craftsmen
about ninety-five percent of them in the
U.S., the rest in Holland. Those ac
cepted are produced in quantity and
sent to the VMCO warehouse in Se-
caucus, N.J. Here, packed and ready to
ship, they form vast mountains of car
tons as you can see in the photo with
this story.
There are literally hundreds of thou
sands of itemssteins, large plastic
bottles, wooden shoes, pub mirrors,
T-shirtssome of the hottest point-of-
sale and promotion pieces anywhere.
Orders for these various pieces
flood the New York office every day.
They are quickly processed, orders
turned into labels for immediate ship
ping, large cartons broken down and
repacked to fill smaller orders.
The whole idea of the Point-of-Sale
Center is to get all material to bars and
Continued on page 2)
If Tony Randall is one of your favorite
actors, now you can like him a lot more
he drinks Heineken!
The Number One imported beer al
ways gets Number One advertising
support. Now it's bigger than ever.
This summer we broke an all new
television campaign with 10-second
and 30-second commercials featuring
our new get-action theme, "Come to
think of it, I'll have a Heineken."
This eight-week drive on the three
major TV networksthirty-five top
rated shows almost entirely in prime
timeproduced close to a billion
Heineken impressions in fourteen ma
jor cities, coast-to-coast, all during your
peak summer season. And all on target
to your key customers.
Like the commercial says, "Some of
the best things in life you have to wait
for. Some you don't
Using the beautiful color photography
that appeared in the 1981 ads, two new
wall size posters have been created
twenty-six inches by thirty-four inches
that make wonderful, eye-catching
promotion pieces. One shows the bot
tle and glass with "Come to think of it,
I'll have a Heineken." The other shows
the bottle alone and says, "Come to
think of it, I'll have a Greenie." The
Greenie is especially for the college/
young adult market. Both of them can
really boost sales.
VMCO WAREHOUSE has one vast sec
tion that holds this tremendous quan
tity of point-of-sale material. More
comes in and moves out every day.
You'll get a belt out of this great new
promotion"Unbuckle a Heineken."
It's the first promotion of its kind and
aimed right at the younger market
that's so important. The buckle is a
solid casting, right in style for the
young set and it's also a bottle opener!
Fun, practical and dynamite. As you
can see, the counter card has a pad of
fifty tear-off order forms and it can be
used as a 6-pack card as shown or it
can be used separately. Consumer
price for this sensational buckle is
only $4.95. To give it big support, a full
color ad will appear in Sport Magazine,
December issue. You'll be seeing sam
ples shortly, where legal. Get behind it
it can't miss!