SSC&B, a Number 1
Ad Agency, Gets The
Number 1 Beer Account!
Gary Hegedorn Named
Division Manager
of the Year by VMCO
The big news out of Madison Avenue is
that SSC&B, one of the biggest and best
advertising agencies in the country,
has been hired by VMCO.
SSC&B has a history of long-term
success strategies. They're a $260 mil
lion agency (over a billion worldwide)
and nineteen of their clients are num
ber one in their product categories.
Creative and marketing plans have
been finalized and 1981 will be the
most aggressive selling year ever for
VMCO and Heinekenbacked by an
advertising and promotion budget of
over twelve million dollars.
A M SI fe t
The first VMCO Annual Division Man
ager of the Year Award has been pre
sented to Gary Hegedorn for top sales
performance and all around excel
lence by his Southern Division which
includes Florida, Alabama, Georgia
and South Carolina. The award not
only consists of a commemorative tro
phy, but a substantial bonus as well.
The award will be an annual event
from now on!
Hard on Gary's heels, a very close
second, was Allen Ackerman, VMCO's
West Coast Division Manager, who also
received a handsome award.
Bit ft
wanted the distinction of being the
first pub in the city to feature Amstei.
They promoted the 'premier" and
this smile on Manager Tom Ander
son's face is evidence that Beau
mont's was S.R.O. the first night with
big sales of Amstei and Heineken.
FRED THE TURKEY is a forty pound
bird. And that's a chef on the left.
They both were leading characters in
a great Heineken Night at the Shera
ton Mansfield Inn in Massachusetts.
Tee shirts, wooden shoes, pub mir
rors were prizes—with Fred the big
prize. The party packed them in and
more than fifty cases of Heineken
were consumed. Fred was not con
sumed. Everybody fell in love with
him and he was sent back to the farm,
as a pet! The chef lost out!
HANDSHAKE marks a new advertising agency relationship between Leo Van
Munching, Jr., President of VMCO and William Weithas, on Mr. Van Munch-
ing's left, President of SSC&B. Also attending the meeting were, from left to
right, Douglass Bomeisler, SSC&B, Sr. V.P.; John Grogan, SSC&B V.P.; John
McAna, VMCO V.P. and Al Nilson, VMCO Ad Manager. Mr. Van Munching, Jr.
put it all in a nutshell—"A great beer deserves a great agency."
HEINEKEN pulling power! It was a
usually slow-for-bar-business Tues
day night. The Reagan-Carter debate
was on TV. And it was the first reaily
cold night of the year in Illinois. Nev
ertheless, Houlihan's tavern in
Oakbrook Plaza put on a Heineken
Night, with raffle tickets for Heineken
steins, large plastic bottles, Tee-
shirts, the works. And 300 people
showed up to enjoy 54 cases of the
No. 1 import! Here are three of the
Houlihan people during the big pro
motion, left to right, Donna Thomp
son, Promotion Manager, Pat
McCarthy, Manager, and Dennis, one
of the bartenders. Heineken really
has pulling power to produce sales
and profits.
AHervAekerenan Gary Hegedorn