25,000,000 Cases of
Heineken Delivered
Without a Traffic Jam!
No. 11mport has No. 1 Traffic Department...of course!.
Good Advice!
Continued from page 1
headquarters are Rud Svensen, Frank
Parrino, Chris Zellin, Linda Ramos,
Donna Cipres and Leslie Hart. At the
VMCO warehouse in Secaucus, New
Jersey the Manager is Bill Ellis who is
assisted by Jerry Mudrak, Jim Kelley
and Nina Shaughnessy.
Basically, the Traffic Department at
VMCO is responsible for the prepara
tion and processing of all Heineken or
ders to the brewery. These orders
come from VMCO Division Managers
and as a result of their fulfillment,
VMCO is the largest container ship
ment receiver in the U.S. The giant
containers arrive by ships at every port
in the country. They get here quickly.
One of the longest delivery times is a
mere seventeen days from Holland to
our West Coast.
Some of the shipments come to New
Jersey ports and are trucked to the
VMCO warehouse in Secaucus where a
back-up inventory for distributors is
maintained. The warehouse is also an
origin point for pool shipments. Point
of sale material is also processed and
shipped from the warehouse.
Ail of this vast traffic runs smoothly
under the expert and experienced di
rection of Vincent DeMichele and his
staff. Vince was born in Newark, N.J., at
tended St. Helenas School, LaSalle
Academy and holds a BA from State
College in Albany, N.Y.
Vince s career began as Assistant
Traffic Manager at Park Tilford. He
then joined VMCO and has since been
totally occupied getting the No. 1 im
port to customers effectively, effi
ciently and fast!
He is married and he and his wife,
Joan, live in Islip. They have three chil
dren, Robert, Denise and Donna and
two grandchildren.
Next time you enjoy a glass of Heine
ken, remember it's in your hand
through the efforts of Vince DeMichele
and the Traffic Department!
<3Jrt jHmtortam
Van Munching Co., Inc. notes with
sorrow the passing of Ernest J. Mun
ster Jr., a member of VMCO Sales Staff
for over ten years in the Louisiana area.
"Whitev," as he was known to his
friends, will be greatly missed by those
who knew and worked with him. His
sales talents, warm personality and
friendliness marked him as one of the
fine men of the company.
Together, with his many personal
friends, we extend our heartfelt sym
pathy to his family, and join with them
in mourning his loss.
The world is divided into people who
do things and people who get the
credit. Try, if you can, to belong to the
first class. There's far less competition.
Dwight Morrow
Chris Zeilin
Linda Ramos
Matt Nestor
Rud Svensen, left, and Frank Parrino Donna Cipres
Leslie Hart