VMCO HoSds National
Sales Seminar
A three-day VMCO National Marketing
and Sales Seminar for Division Mana
gers was held recently at New York
headquarters. The VMCO Sales execu
tives concentrated on extensive plans
for future growth and announced that
fiscal 1980 saw a 4% increase in
wholesaler Heineken depletions, again
retaining our claim as "America's #1
Imported Beer."
During the discussions, Mr. L. Van
Munching, Jr., VMCO President noted
that the increased competitive atmos
the imported beer field has
unfortunately led some competitors to
present untruthful statements to both
trade and public concerning Heineken.
As a consequence, he said "our most
effective response to those who have
little regard for integrity7 and honesty7
would be to collectivelv zero in on the
brands they represent. I ask your full
support in this endeavor."
The meeting also highlighted the
strong sales results thus far achieved
for Amstel Light Bier during its current
introduction. Amstel, the first low-
calorie beer imported from Europe
currently in test markets around the
country, continues to develop a high
level of acceptance with its imported
taste and quality7, with fewer calories.
John McAna, VMCO National Sales VP,
detailed the strong consumer and trade
marketing efforts designed to ensure
the continued growth of Amstel as the
brand is rolled out nationallv.
Winter, 1980
No. 1 TEAM! At the VMCO National Marketing and Sales Seminar were: (seated,
left to right) John McAna, VP-National Sales Manager; Leo Van Munching, Jr.,
President; Ken Blair, Assistant National Sales Manager; and standing, VMCO Di
vision Managers, left to right, Dan Neglia, Bob Pascale, Bill Morgan, Allen Acker-
man, Gary Hegedorn, Fred Otto, Andy Mather, Roy Curry and Bob Waselewski.
New Distributors On
the Number One Team
In the past several months, a number of
new, top distributors, coast-to-coast,
have been added to the Heineken fami
ly. We welcome them and are happy to
have these fine firms selling our prod
ucts: Delta Brands, Inc., Modesto, Cali
fornia; Inter-mountain Distributing
Co., Billings, Montana; Red Carpet Dis
tributing Company, Enid, Oklahoma;
Georgia Crown Distributing Co., Co
lumbus, Georgia; Martin Distributing
Co., Inc., Martinsburg, West Virginia;
Sunset Distributors, Inc., Seattle, Wash
ington; Dana Distributors, Inc., Middle-
town, New York; Raso Beer Distribut
ing, Inc., Nyack, New York.
Chicago Autumn Fair
Consumes 450 Kegs
of Heineken!
From Bob Waselewski, VMCO Division
Manager, comes big, four color clip
pings about the Autumn Fair held in
October on Navy7 Pier. This "Chicago
Eest for Families" was a huge success,
drew over 50,000 people. Heineken
participated in the event and Heineken
Light and Dark beers were served ex
clusively. A total of 407 kegs of Light
and 39 kegs of Dark were enjoyed by
the Fair crowds. Another Number One-
derful part)7!
The Windmill Is Back
Starting now, VMCO s Windmill is back
in action. But we need your help to
make it interesting and useful. You are
our reporters and cameramen. We
would appreciate any stories and
photos (black and white, if possible)
that you send in concerning Heineken
and Amstel Light. Please send all mate
rial to: Al Nilson, Van Munching Co.,
Inc., 51 West 51st Street, New York, N.Y.
10019. Thanks!
Amstel Rated
"Best of the Lights"
The August issue of Los Angeles fea
tured an article entitled "Light Beers
Meet Head On" which gave the results
of a ten-brand light beer tasting among
the magazine's editorial staff.
Amstel topped the list and was de
scribed as "Tart, refreshing, flavorful.
Best of the lights."