seASON's QReeciNQS
The National Association of Alco
holic Beverage Importers in Washing
ton reports that malt beverage im
ports for the first nine months of 1976
shows a 43% gain over last year's com
parable period, a 16,481,990 gallon
increase over the 1975 figure.
The Netherlands was again the lead
er for the period with 20,286,998 gal
lons, a 38% increase over the previous
year's total. The number two slot was
taken by Canada with 14,108,291 gal
lons, for a 49% increase; Germany
ranked third with 9,834,403 gallons, a
58% gain over the prior year's period.
Since some 98% of the Netherlands
figures represent Heineken, and other
country's importation figures represent
a wider variety of beer brands, Heine-
ken continues as the undisputed "#l
Imported Beer in America".
The importing "Big Three" ac
count for 80% of all imported beer.
The popularity of Heineken Hol
land Beer has made it an artist's model,
as seen from the above photo of the
four foot high finished piece. Student
Barbie North of VPI University in
Blacksburg, Virginia created the two-
dimensional unit from heavy cloth,
which was then hand-painted and
sewn. Hung in one of the largest
Heineken college accounts in the
south, "Mr. Fooz" tavern in Blacks
burg, the model was a popular conver
sation piece for the local patrons.
Mr. L. van Munching, President of
Van Munching 8c Co., Inc. was recently
honored by Heineken Brouwerijen
B.V. in the Netherlands for the tre
mendous sales success of Heineken
Holland Beer in the United States
during 1976.
As seen above, members of the Hei
neken Export Staff gathered to con
gratulate Mr. van Munching (seated
at center) at a special testimonial
luncheon, and presented him with a
silver trophy to commemorate the
As the historical Bicentennial Year
of 1976 comes to a close, a history-
making U.S. Heineken sales figure of
12,000,000 cases has become a reality,
which certainly must evoke a proud
sense of accomplishment for Mr. van
Munching and those involved in this
tremendous sales success story.
Van Munching 8c Co., Inc., under
the personal guidance of Mr. van
Munching, has recorded sales increases
over the previous year since 1948
28 years of increasingly higher Heine
ken sales to reach the current 1976
milestone. A phenomenal record that,
in recent years, has been further en
hanced by successive leaps in sales-
volume gains Si/2 million cases in
1972, 414 million cases in 1973, 6 mil
lion cases in 1974, 8 million cases in
1975, and now over 12,000,000 cases in
the current Bicentennial year of 1976.
Over the years, in spite of the many
obstacles presented recession, price
increases, shipping strikes, inventory
problems Mr. van Munching has
spurred-on the continuing Heineken
sales gains with the sales talent and
iron determination that was first evi
denced when he arrived in the United
States in the depression year of 1933.
Then, alone, with 50 cases and 25
quarter-barrels of the then unknown
beer called Heineken, he began his
determined effort to introduce a prem
ium-priced imported beer to a huge,
depressed market, in what then was to
him a foreign country. Such personal
characteristics, and the exceptionally
fine quality of Heineken Holland
Beer, were the nucleus of the now
famous and undisputed sales statement
"Heineken-The #1 Imported Beer
in America".