Since 76 advertising for Heineken
Holland Beer started earlier than ever
before in February the major
market radio campaign for "The #1
Imported Beer in America" will run
for a record total of 44 weeks during
the year. Increased VMCO expendi
tures for this campaign resulted in not
only more weeks of advertising, but
also in more commercials per week,
adding increased frequency to this ma
jor Heineken effort. Also increased
was the utilization of both thirty-sec
ond and one-minute commercials dur
ing the schedule.
As the Heineken Radio Campaign
grows larger each year, the lively Hei
neken Jingle with its tag line "Heine
ken tastes tremendous no wonder
it's number one!", becomes more and
more well-known. Reports from the
field indicate that the Heineken com
mercials continue to gain an increasing
amount of favorable comment and rec
ognition from both consumers and
trade alike.
In addition to the major market
campaign, Heineken radio advertising
is also heard in fifteen other important
markets throughout the coüntry.
The exceptionally fine quality of
Heineken Holland Beer will always
remain an essential ingredient in its
tremendous sales success story. And as
its sales success grows, the enthusiastic
response to Heineken quality is in
creasingly expressed in consumer let
ters, during taste-tests, and in various
I am glad to take the time out to
send this complimentary letter to
you. Even though we must pay
more for the good quality, I feel
that it is more than worth it for the
good taste of Heineken Beer.
R.L.Franklin Park, 111.
We conducted our own beer tast
ing, testing fourteen different do
mestic and imported brands by a
panel of six judges. The cumula
tive point scores indicated that
Heineken was the winner with a 41
point total out of a possible 60
South Carolina The State
One last thing. We will state un
equivocally that Heineken is the
best beer that money can buy.
Penna. Beer Drinker's Guide
The combination of attractive new
Heineken packaging and point-of-sale
material can produce off-premise dis
plays that move merchandise. These
profit-making displays are becoming
more and more popular with retailers
as Heineken Holland Beer become a
bigger and bigger seller, and retailers
realize the handsome profit margins
available with the ever-increasing
product movement of "The #1 Im
ported Beer in the U.S.A.".
The Heineken displays shown below
were placed by Michigan VMCO
wholesaler Don Lee Distributing, and
indicate two supermarket possibilities.
HARTFORD, CONN. The VMCO Award was pre
sented to C. DeWitt Coffman (left), president of
the Coffman Corporation, by William Morgan
(right), VMCO Sis. Repr., and convention chairman
Wollerton B. Powers (center) during the annual
meeting of the Connecticut Hotel-Motel Association
where over 175 hotel-motel men were assembled.
booth during the Pennsylvania Wholesalers Con
vention held at the William Penn Hotel were: (I. to
r.) John Abraham, VMCO Sis. Rep.; Tom and Kevin
Kunda of the Kunda Bev. Co., King of Prussia, Pa.;
and Fred Otto, VMCO State Mgr. The booth fea
tured the wide range of Heineken p.o.s. material.
SAN ANTONIO, TEX. VMCO wholesaler Glazer's
Wholesale Drug Co. participated in the Texas
Restaurant Association Convention with a very at
tractive booth which prominently displayed Heine
ken Beer. Over the four-day convention period,
some 30,000 people attended this meeting of res
taurant buyers, for good Heineken retail exposure.
New Heineken Light Dark 6-pak and case pack
aging, together with various Heineken p.o.s. items,
make a colorful, eye-catching end-aisle display.
Consumers can't miss this good-looking, well-built
35-case Heineken island display positioned across
from the snack food rack for extra effectiveness.