For the first eight months of 1974,
imports show a gain of 5,865,007 gal
lons (26%) over the same period in
1973 as reported by the National
Association of Alcoholic Beverage Im
porters in Washington, D.C.
The importing "Big Three" held
their previous positions for this period.
The Netherlands was again the leader
with a 30 percent gain to 10,256,176
gallons. The number two slot was held
by the Federal Republic of Germany
up seven percent for a total of
6,614,327 gallons. Canada was up 57
percent for a total of 5,386,910 gallons.
It is to be noted that some 98% of
the Netherlands figures represent
Heineken, while the German figures
represent a wide variety of brands.
Thus Heineken Holland Beer "The
#1 Imported Beer in the U.S.A."
continues its leadership by a wide mar
gin, especially in comparison to any
other single imported brand.
With the "Big Three" accounting
for 22,257,413 gallons, the remaining
6,128,789 gallons are accounted for by
all the other importing countries.
The Heineken Holiday Display Un
it for '74 has a green foil background
to capture attention, and frames the
new "Dutch Steak" advertisement in
an attractive red gift box to develop
the headline "Holiday Cheer" the
time for parties and gift-giving. The
handsome multi-purpose unit can be
used as a counter display, window dis
play, or as a header card on the Hein
eken Corrugated Floor Stand.
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The Chicago Palmer House Hotel
recently featured Heineken Holland
Beer during a successful Dutch Festival
in their French Quarter Restaurant.
The lobby decoration, seen below, set
the theme for the affair, which was
directed by Mr. Benson Martin, Food
Beverage Mgr. of the Palmer House.
A Dutch bill of fare was served dur
ing luncheon and dinner, blending
perfectly with Heineken in either
bottle or draught. Mr. Joseph C. Fusco,
Pres. of Van Merritt Co., the area
VMCO distributor, supervised the
placement of the event, developing
another effective Heineken promotion.
DALLAS, TEX. A luncheon specialty promoted at
the popular Hungry Hunter restauranta "Buffalo
Burger" and a bottle of Heinekenis enjoyed by
(I. to r.) Sid Crow, Suprv., Glazer Wholesale Drug
Co.; Jim Baber, owner of the restaurant; Charles
Bacon, Glazer Club Acc't. Suprv.; and Roy Curry,
Van Munching Co., Inc. Southwestern Division Mgr.
HARTFORD, CONN. Miss Hartford '74, with
hotelmen of that city, presents the VMCO Award
to Richard Hahn (right), Pres. of the Conn. Hotel-
Motel Association. Mr. Hahn, presently Gen. Mgr.
of the Hartford Hilton, has been recently promoted
to General Manager of the Netherland Hilton
and The Terrace Hilton in Cincinnati, Ohio.
CORAL GABLES, FLA. Heineken, both Light and
Dark, is the only imported beer served at the
University of Miami Rathskeller. Jack Hymes (second
from left), VMCO Sis. Rep.; and Rich Rudner (right),
Rathskeller Asst. Mgr., find that "The #1 Imported
Beer in the U.S.A." is indeed #1 with Miami U.
students of both sexes at this fine campus location.
At the Palmer House Dutch Festival were (left to right) Mr. Frank Hofmann, Sr., V.P., Mr. Joseph C. Fusco,
Pres. of Van Merritt Co.; Mr. A. F. Bock, Sis. Rep., Mr. R. C. Waselewski, Midwestern Div. Mgr. of VMCO.