/it lu
ïiThe Windmill
VOL. XXV, No. 2 Fall, 1974
City Club of Mew York
For New York Award
Zlo Our ^Jlappy
Our fiscal year 1974 is slowly drawing
to a close as of November 30th, and I am
happy to say it will indeed go down in our
company's history as the greatest and most
successful business year since we organ
ized this company in 1946 at the request
of the President of the Heineken Brewery
Not only did we maintain leadership in
the industry of imported beers in the
United States in spite of a substantial price
increase due to inflationary spirals, both
in Holland and the U.S.A., but we were
able to increase our total sales by 32%
over the previous year a very remark
able achievement in these hectic times.
How is it possible that a brand such as
Heineken could succeed so very much
again in 1974 when we compare ourselves
with other imports? All 1 can say is that
I think we have the finest and most effi
cient organization in its field which our
auditors will gladly confirm. We have a
larger field organization than any other
importer, and I mean not only imported
beer but in the alcoholic beverage indus
try. We have about 400 wholesalers and
sub-distributors throughout the United
States and I do not know of any state or
market in the country which did not in
crease its volume of Heineken substan
tially during 1974 a great compliment
to~aiï~of~ouT~field personnel and, of course,
to our wholesalers.
Then in this summary of accolades, we
must include the Brewery itself which has
had a very hectic year due to the economic
conditions in Holland and their own ex
pansion problems.
Last but not least, our advertising pro
grams, ads, radio, etc. have been the very
best and highly accepted. I presume I
should not close this summary without
mentioning our staff at headquarters in
New York and in all of the field offices
throughout the country.
So here we go, the leader in our field,
the #1 of all imported beers, and of
course, because Heineken tastes so tre
mendous, no wonder it's #1
Cordially yours,
Mr. L. van Munching (left), President of Van Munching Co., Inc., discussing the business environment
with New York's Mayor Abraham Beame (right) at the Waldorf-Astoria reception prior to the Awards dinner.
Mr. Leo van Munching, President
of Van Munching 8c Co., Inc., exclu
sive importers of Heineken Holland
Beer in the United States, was recently
presented with the "For
New York" Award at
the 82nd Anniversary
Dinner of the City Club
of New York.
Mr. L. van Munching
was honored by this se
lect group of prominent
New York businessmen
for his significant con
tributions to New York
City's economy. The
presentation of the
Award was made in the
Grand Ballroom of the
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel and past recipi
ents of the Award have included David
Sarnoff and Robert Moses. Mayor A.
Beame and the former U.S. Secretary
of Commerce, Peter G. Peterson were
honored guests for the gala evening.
This recognition for Mr. van
Munching happily coincides with the
biggest and most success
ful year in the history of
Heineken Holland Beer
in the U.S. The current
sales figures indicate a
6 million case year for
Heineken in 1974.
As an active man in
the business communi
ty, Mr. van Munching is
also Member of the Ad
visory Board, Chase
Manhattan Bank; Di
rector, National Alco
holic Beverage Import
ers Association, and Member of the
Executive Board of the Netherlands
Chamber of Commerce in the United
States, as well as other organizations.