^The Windmill
SPRING, 1974
Do Our Dlappy. Damily:
We have prepared a special WIND
MILL issue 1974 on the occasion of the
mutually sponsored Press Party on April
10th with our advertising agency, Dore
mus Co. and its affiliate, Doremus Up
town, Inc., announcing to the national
press, radio and T.V. the substantially in
creased Heineken advertising program for
the year 1974.
The affair was a great success, far more
in attendance than we had hoped for, and
undoubtedly added much to the standing
and image of the Van Munching Com
pany's place in the alcoholic beverage in
You will note from the various pictures
in this issue that the atmosphere was one
of happiness and success especially since
the first quarterly sales figures showed
shipments to our wholesalers in excess of
22% over last year.
However, I believe a word of warning
is well in order at this time. The economic
conditions in the United States generally
are not good and we do not know what
will happen for the balance of the year.
Credit conditions and prime rates at banks
are at an alltime high and all of our rep
resentatives should take special note that
wholesalers should not be asked to main
tain inventories of over sixty days despite
the possibility of a shipping strike, pos
sibly resulting in requests by wholesalers
for increased credit terms or arrange
We are optimistic for the future because
of the increased advertising, radio and
other advertising planning and the great
acceptance for Heineken Beer by the
Cordially yours,
Mr. L. van Munching (second from right), VMCO Pres., announced the record $2,500,000 advertising and
promotion program for Heineken Beer in 1974 at a recent New York press party. Representatives from the
VMCO/Heineken advertising agency were Mr. F. E. Schaffer, Chm. (r.), Mr. G. B. McMennamin, Pres. (2nd
from I.) of Doremus Co.; Mr. D. Sheldon, VP, (center), Mr. G. Gramm, VP of Doremus-Uptown.
At a recent press'party held at the
Netherlands Club of New York, Mr.
L. van Munching, President of Van
Munching 8c Co., Inc. announced the
1974 advertising and promotional pro
gram for Heineken Holland Beer. The
record $2i/2 million dollar VMCO
program includes two new full-page,
full-color national magazine ads for
Heineken which proudly proclaim its
primary position and emphasize the
"imported from Holland" theme.
One of the interesting new full-page
Heineken advertisements is in the
Dutch language to dramatize the "im
ported" theme. This full-page, full-
color ad is supplemented by a separate,
smaller translation ad, which trans
lates the Dutch message and is posi
tioned after the new full-page insertion.
The "imported from Holland''
theme is also carried out in the other
new full-color, full-page Heineken ad
vertisement. It portrays an ice-cold
bottle of Heineken being enveloped by
foam-white waves at the ocean's edge,
and is headlined "Oceans Apart From
the Ordinary". The same stress on "im
ported" also comes through in radio,
outdoor and p.o.s. material.
At the gathering, Mr. van Munching
noted that Heineken had enjoyed an
other record-breaking year more
than five million cases sold. And as the
sales of Heineken has increased, so the
advertising and promotional support
for "The #1 Imported Beer in the
U.S.A." has increased to the new record
level recently announced for 1974.