Consumers Report
"Heineken Tastes Tremendous!"
The Coldsprings Beer 8c Wine Store
in Austin, Texas developed the 50-case
Heineken floor display pictured above
for a successful promotion held re
cently, reports Paul F. Giermann,
VMCO Sales Representative. Twenty-
nine cases of tremendous tasting Hein
eken moved initially from the floor in
the first stage of the promotion and the
happy owners will continue their suc
cessful Heineken merchandising for
"The 1 Imported Beer in the U.S.A.."
Although all of the imported beers
in the Austin market are available at
the Coldspring store, the owners find
that Heineken has the most consumer
demand for profitable stocking.
This attractive retail outlet is located
in the Dobie Center, a high-rise stu
dent dormitory complex on the Uni
versity of Texas Campus in Austin.
The first three floors of this modern
student center contain stores, restau
rants and a theater providing a full
range of services for the community.
The State University of New York
recently celebrated their 25th anniver
sary at Stony Brook, Long Island, New
York. Heineken Holland Beer was
served at their Open House Program
where some 5,000 people enjoyed the
various events scheduled throughout
the day. Campus tours, demonstrations
and entertainment programs created a
memorable occasion celebrated with a
memorable beer Heineken.
In the daily flow of mail into the
VMCO New York Main Office come
many unsolicited consumer testimon
ials for "The #1 Imported Beer in the
U.S.A.". Below is just a sampling:
I've been drinking beer for many
years. I've switched often between
five or six domestic beers and finally
was given a taste of Heineken beer.
All I can say is WOW. As far as I'm
concerned, Heineken beer has the
best taste I have ever experienced
in a beer.
Heineken beer is a lot more ex
pensive than domestic beer, but it
is well worth it for its taste.
Thank you for making such a taste
available to the American People.
I.S.C.—New City, N.Y.
"Heineken Tastes Tremendous", I
can't agree with you more concern
ing the taste of Heineken.
F.J.D.Granville, Ohio
Heineken is by far the best it has
ever been my pleasure to consume.
R.Y.Port Washington, N.Y.
We have been drinking Heineken
Beer for many years, and really
think that it is tops in quality.
P.R.Oakland, California
Your beer is the best in the world.
M.S.Storrs, Conn.
We used to be drinkers. But no
more! A good friend of mine got us
to try Heineken. Let me tell you,
one sip and that was it for all the
other beers.
L.R.—Glendale, N.Y.
Congratulations are in order to Mr.
Fred Hitchcock, Sr. (above right), own
er of Hitchcock Beverage in Greens
boro, North Carolina. Mr. Hitchcock
is soon to celebrate his 70th birthday,
his 30th year as a wholesaler, and his
15th year as a VMCO distributor.
Recently Mr. Fred Otto, VMCO
State Mgr. (above left)arrived at the
Hitchcock warehouse at 9 A.M. sharp
and found that Mr. Hitchcock himself
was going to work with him that day.
After loading their car with Heineken
point-of-sale material, they started the
day's work and made twenty chain
store calls, in addition to several on-
premise calls, checking the Heineken
distribution, pricing and shelf position.
In all, they spent a very productive
day placing Heineken p.o.s., packing-
out shelves, selling Heineken Special
Dark Beer and booking Heineken Hol
iday Displays. And Fred reports that it
was a genuine pleasure working with
Mr. Hitchcock an enthusiastic, en
ergetic and well-liked gentleman who
was immediately recognized by every
one in the market. During the day they
also reviewed other phases of the
Greensboro market and Mr. Hitchcock
also agreed to use a Heineken Van De-
cal Set on a new panel truck he is about
to purchase.
A full day's work for a veteran VMCO
wholesaler Air. Fred Hitchcock, Sr.
seventy years young and still selling
strong for "The #1 Imported Beer in
the U.S.A.". Congratulations and Best
Wishes to him for continued success!
We salute the following newly ap
pointed distributors and welcome them
into the fold of our happy family:
Blair, Nebraska
Wichita, Kansas
Sarasota, Florida