In The Spirit of The Holidays
All's Well That Ends Well With Heineken Holland Beer
During the year, the well-known Mosler Safe Company holds their famous
Rathskeller Parties, featuring the hospitality of Heineken Holland Beer, for
members of the financial community. In a festive surrounding of good food and
entertainment, Heineken on draught "Tastes Tremendous" at these affairs.
Held in such major cities as Chicago, San Francisco and Dallas, the Mosler
Company often plays host to over 1,500 people at each of the larger parties.
A banquet setting for a Mosler Rathskeller Party
is a handsome background for hospitality and
Heineken Beer served on draught. Heineken
Windmills provide an attractive center piece.
A Heineken toast was raised at another successful
Mosler Rathskeller party in Chicago by (I. to r.)
R. Myron, Mosler Advtg. Dir.; Mrs. R. W. Ayers, Jr.;
R. W. Ayres, Jr., Mosler Pres.; R. Waselewski, VMCO.
NEW BRITAIN, CONN. Mr. J. Frank Birdsall, Jr.,
(right) President of The American Hotel Motel
Association, receives the Heineken Speakers Award
from Mr. William Deegan, VMCO Conn. State Man
ager. Mr. Birdsall's keynote address was recently
given at the Conn. Hotel-Motel Association's annual
meeting held at the Howard Johnson's Motor Lodge.
HOUSTON, TEXAS This attractive and compact
window display presents a prestige impression for
Heineken Holland Beer at Grillis Imports, Inc. The
display faces a shopping mall for high visibility to
consumer traffic in the area and indicates the pos
sibilities for creating a display with a simple design
and well-chosen Heineken point-of-sale material.
CHICAGO, ILL. The Palmer House Hotel of the
Hilton Hotel chain recently had Heineken Hospitality
as part of a promotion using items from Hilton
Hotels around the world. At the Heineken event
were (left to right) Kaj Frost-Jensen, VMCO Sis.
Rep.; Wilhelmina Sonntag, Netherlands Consulate
in Chicago; and Richard Geary, VMCO Sis. Rep.
The young man pictured below right,
Mr. Bill Daley, was convalescing in an
Oregon hospital after a serious acci
dent not so long ago when his favorite
Heineken Pilsner glass was accidentally
knocked off a table and broken. The
hospital purchasing agent was kind
enough to then contact Sunset Distri
butors concerning replacement of the
treasured glass. Then Hal Lawson,
VMCO Sales Representative, entered
the picture, and on his next trip
through the area stopped in to see Mr.
Daley at the hospital and not only
replaced the Heineken glass, but added
a Heineken T-Shirt and wooden shoes
for good measure.
Air. Daley was very appreciative to
all those concerned and sent a letter to
VMCO expressing his appreciation
which is here reproduced in part:
"Public relations such as this in
this time and age are rare. I am
totally flabergasteel by the cour
tesy and concern displayed by your
company and its representative.
The most amazing thi?ig is that
youthe companyy really had no
concern with me. Nonetheless it
was me ivith whom you became
concerned and dealt with.
"You can feel assured that you
have gained a Heineken con
sumer. Thank you for making me
a very happy person and for light
ening the load of my stay here in
the hospital. Keep up the good
work and may your company
prosper through these times of
Sincerely yours
Bill Daley