The Windmill
VOL. XXIV, No. 1 SUMMER, 1973
Mr. L. van Munching, President of Van Munching Co., Inc., pouring Heineken Holland Beer for an
estimated 13,235,000 television viewers during a series of commercials for the New Yorker magazine.
^Jo Our Olcippy Jamify:
Just this week we are going into our
summer season while last monthwe
finished the first six months of our fis
cal year 1972/73. As usualhappy tid
ings reached me a few days ago that
national sales to wholesalers were
slightly over 50ahead of 1972 in
spite of the early spring price increase
due to devaluation of the US. dollar
and freight rate increased costs.
There were only very few markets
that did not sell more than, the original
sales goals set for 1973 and we are look
ing into same. In the meantimewe
have about completed our advertising
and sales promotion plans for this
year. This year's outlay is much higher
than the expenditures during 1972.
With the new T.V. exposure as well as
national radio spot programs and fur
ther news adswe are well equipped to
face another banner year—this time
around four million cases which again
makes the Heineken brand "THE 1
Since this issue is dedicated to our
advertising and sales promotion plans
the inside pages will speak for itself
and will certainly ensure sales growth
in every territory.
From the national sales reportsthe
weather has not been very encouraging
so far this year but sales still keep grow
ing. I am sending you my sincere feel
ings of appreciation for a job well done
so far for the first half of the year and
hope you will keep it up in the second
Cordially yours
NEW YORK, N.Y. Mr. Leo van
Munching, President of Van Munch
ing 8c Co., Inc., appeared on television
recently bringing the Heineken mes
sage home to millions of television
viewers through-out the important
New York marketing area.
In a series of color TV commercials
for New Yorker magazine, Mr. van
Munching discussed the quality and
merits of Heineken Holland Beer in
connection with the Heineken advertis
ing effort placed in The New Yorker-
one of the many high-quality publica
tions in the '73 Van Munching $1,000,-
000-Plus Advertising Program for "The
#1 Imported Beer in the U.S.A.".
The campaign provided an extra
promotional plus for Heineken in the
New York major-market area during
the important spring selling season. It
appeared on four major New York tele
vision stations WABC-TV, WNBC-
during April and May in high-audi
ence Late News and Sports programs.
Reaching an audience of 13,235,000
during the two month span of the cam
paign, the Van Munching/Heineken
commercials were well received by
trade and consumer alike and proved
an appropriate introduction for Mr.
van Munching's 40th Anniversary. It
was 40 years ago, in 1933, that Mr.
van Munching first introduced Heine
ken into the American market, begin
ning the rise to the present 1972 sales
record of over 3y2 million cases.