ÜfnltiUUj SLflrrfimts Contest Winner Picks
By Charles Canton, Van Munching Co. Representative Hcinckcit 5 AlttOllff PHZCS
A man of destiny appeared on this shore
With his wife and two children—a new land to explore
It was a time in our history when things were not right
Even the banks were closed up tight
He brought with him a brew of delight
To cheer up the day, of those caught in this blight
With the courage of those who pioneered before
This Dutchman began his tremendous chore
(and without hesitation, he sold Dinty Moore)
A Dutch treat he offered to all who would hear
A joy to the palate, a real Lager Beer
As Heineken's grew, his stomach did too
For he had to imbibe, each day's orders he scribed
A few years had passed when Jim Connelly was asked
To assist in this difficult but challenging task
Soon our country decided to have a World's Fair
New York was selected to host the affair
The result of it all was a pleasure to see
For this man had envisioned "Heineken's on the Zuider Zee"
The world came to look, to taste and to tell
How van Munching, this time, really rang the bell
Jim Connelly was heard to remark in rhyme
This looks like we now are in the "big time"
But alas, the world was soon gripped in war
The Nazis took over our product was no more
The war now ended Hitler was gone
This man with the briefcase, his life was reborn
He started to rebuild what was tatered and torn
The result you see now, is not open to scorn
He invested his money, his time and his talent
And sometimes his temper, which is very apparent
He gathered round him a sales staff by the score
His son, Leo, grew up and he made one more
So at the end of this record year
It might be in order to include a cheer
For that great ship known as the Statendam
That safely brought to America this truly great man.
We salute the following newly appointed distributors and
welcome them into the fold of our happy family:
Shown above are Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Smith of Huntington, Long Island,
collecting their prize at Dilbert Huntington Supermarketa shopping cart
packed with items of their choice which they were able to select in a 15-minute
shopping spree. The total bill was $198.00 which was paid for by the Food
company sponsoring the contest.
We are very proud of the above photograph which clearly shows two
Heineken's 6-packs among her selection.
North East Distributing Co.
311 Main Street
Atchinson, Kansas
The Service Tobacco Co.
1748 Pacific Avenue
Tacoma, Washington
Glenwood Beer Distributors
3715 Cherry Street
Erie, Pennsylvania
Humes Distributing Co.
200 Johnson Street
Keokuk, Iowa
Sunset Beverage Company
8500 Steller Drive
Culver City, California
Iowa City Wholesale Company
1132 South Linn Street
Iowa City, Iowa
Fulton County Beverage Distributor, Inc.
330 Main Street
Rochester, Indiana