Heineken's Exhibits Attract Thousands at Trade Shows A Real St. Nicholas Party The party can now begin. The dining room, with as many chairs around the table as guests are expected, in the scene of action. The "surprises" are placed in a large covered basket or gaily deco rated grocery box, and hidden some where in the house. In Holland, each guest finds his intials in candy at his or her place at table. In America, some other attractive place indication can be substituted. Scissors and a large waste- paper basket for the wrappings should be handy. Traditional candies and cookies form the centerpiece. At some Dutch parties St. Nick and Peter, both in traditional costume, are invited to appear in person to deliver a serious word of encouragement or dis approval to each member of the group. However, this is not necessary; one can have as much fun without these two il lustrious personages and they might even confuse American children accus- -tomed to Santa Claus. This is how Hol landers celebrate the eve of St. Nicholas' birthday if he is too busy to be present: The guests arrive and they are taken to the table. As soon as they are seated, the door bell rings loudly and insist ently, the door opens slightly, and a black hand (a black gloved hand of somebody who is in on the secret) throws a lot of tiny candies into the room, for which the children make a dive; then the door slams. The hostess goes to the hall or to the front porch and gives vociferous vent to her surprise Peter was there and he left a basket full of presents! Now the fun begins. One present should be unwrapped at a time, the whole party watching while the often times embarrassed recipient reads his or her poem aloud. This continues until every single present is unwrapped and wery poem read. The fun is guaranteed and the hostess will have given a real St. Nicholas party which is typically, traditionally and completely Dutch. (Continued from Page 2) In close coordination with our Chicago and New York organizations, we installed Heineken's exhibits at the National Beer Wholesalers Association Convention in Chicago on October 17th, the Holiday Packaging Show in New York on October 18th and the National Hotel Exposition, also in New York, on October 2nd. The 22nd Annual National Beer Wholesalers Association Convention was held this year at the Palmer House in Chicago where we, once again, had the opportunity to greet our many Heineken's distributors from all parts of the country. The most popular discussion at this Convention was the outstanding progress of Heineken's sales this year. A big attraction at our exhibit was the giant Heineken's bottle which we had redecorated with the new Heineken's labels. We also displayed all of our Heineken's point-of-sale including the new "Silent Salesman." The Holiday Packaging Show in New York attracted many thousands of retailers, both on-premise and off-premise, from Connecticut through Maryland. It was most gratifying to learn of the increased popularity of Heineken's as a gift item. Many of the retailers have told us how they plan to sell a gift-wrapped case of Heineken's for holiday givings. This is a new trend which could easily account for much additional business. We are planning to develop an attractive gift-wrapped arrangement for Heineken's Beer, to be ready for next year's merchandising. We also heard many encouraging remarks about our new Heineken's coasters and, of course, about the success of the Heineken's "Silent Salesman." The National Hotel Exposition which was again held at the New York Coliseum was attended by hundreds of thousands of visitors representing retail outlets of every type, from the finest hotels to the simplest bars and road stands. Our exhibit was in every sense of the word, a show stopper. The newly painted giant Heineken's windmill identified our booth to the many hotel men, club managers and restauranteurs who crowded the New York Coliseum for the most heavily attended hotel exposition that we can ever remember. We greeted very many friends, met many new ones and compared notes with many of the other trades people in a gesture of good fellowship and public relations. We strongly believe that the- National Hotel Exposition is a most outstanding Convention which we would not want to miss under any circumstances.

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The Windmill | 1959 | | pagina 3