if leiaek»'*
For as many years as Heineken's has been in America
three men have banded their efforts toward one objective
greater sales of Heineken's beer in the United States.
It is this camarade spirit that has built their reputation
as the Three Heineken's Musketeers.
On Friday September 11th, Jonkheer and Mrs. P. R.
Feith arrived aboard the M/S Rotterdam. Mr. Feith,
Senior Managing Director of the Heineken's Bierbrou
werij Maatschappij, arrived for a good will tour and re
view of the American market. It was this maiden voyage
of the Rotterdam that brought H.R.H. Princess Beatrix
of the Netherlands to the United States.
It was Mr. Feith who, as Export Manager of the Heine
ken's Breweries in 1933, selected Mr. Leo van Munching
to represent Heineken's in the United States.
Arriving via KLM soon thereafter, was Dr. J. A.
Emmens, Technical Director of the Heineken's Breweries.
Dr. Emmens has held the responsibility of maintaining
the quality and secret old world Heineken's brewing for
mula that has made Heineken's the largest exporting
brewery throughout the world. He also served on the
Dutch Governmental Boards of Agriculture and Brewers'
Research Development. This was Dr. Emmens' first visit
to the United States.
After many field trips and office conferences, which
included a trip to the Van Munching 8c Co.. Inc., Mid-
Western Division by Mr. Feith, the Three Heineken's
Musketeers, Mr. Feith, Dr. Emmens and Mr. van Munch
ing climaxed their reunion at a sales meeting and dinner
party given in their honor at the Hotel Astor, Friday,
September 25th.
During the sales meeting, Mr. Feith and Dr. Emmens
had an opportunity to address the Van Munching 8c Co.'s
Eastern Sales Staff. At this meeting, Mr. van Munching
announced that Heineken's sales for 1959 will exceed one
million cases and will be in excess of the 20% increase
set up as the 1959 sales quota.
In his speech, Mr. Feith recalled the enthusiasm, in
the export department of the Heineken's Brewery in
Holland when they recorded the first month that 10,000
cases were shipped to the United States. This was not too
many years ago, and Mr. Feith was pleased to compare
that this year we, in the United States, recorded sales in
excess of 100,000 cases of Heineken's per month for five
consecutive months. Mr. Feith observed that as Heineken's
sales increased here in the United States, so did Heineken's
export sales increase throughout the world. He pointed
out that Americans with a taste for Heineken's have
helped considerably to broaden its popularity in man,
countries, and that as a result Heineken's is the world's
largest shipping brewery.
Three Heineken's Jl/luskt
As a special tribute to the Three Heineken's Musketeers, Mr. Thomas E.
Ferguson of Beaver State Distributing Co., the Heineken's distributor in
Portland, Oregon, flew a 29 lb. Columbia River salmon which was prepared
by Mr. Van Dyke for this affair. This fish was doubly enjoyed both for its
taste and knowing that it came as a greeting from a Heineken's distributor.
Dr. Emmens, Mr. Feith and Mr. van Munching examine the tapping equip
ment used with the new 9.2 Heineken's barrels. These barrels contain almost
one and a half gallons more than a quarter barrel and are being shipped
to a limited number of markets.