Three Heineken's Musketeers
The Windmill
PUBLISHED BY VAN MUNCHING CO., INC., 6 West 48th St., New York 36, N. Y.
VOL. X, No. 6
Do Our DJ-appy. Damiitj.:
THE months of August and September
have been outstanding in a number of
ways. Businesswise, the two months
produced over 100,000 cases sales each
month, making it a total of five consecutive
months so far this year.
This of course, is very gratifying. What is
more important about these terrific sales is
that they came from all over the territory
and a few new ones, including the state of
Oklahoma which we now welcome into the
fold of the Happy Heineken's family.
The month of September has been an espe
cially hectic one for the New York office
because of visiting dignitaries from the Heine-
ken's organization in Holland and the arrival
of the new flagship of the Holland America
Line, the M/S ROTTERDAM and the visit
of H.R.H. Princess Beatrix.
You may ask what has that to do with
Heineken's sales in the United States? For
one thing, the arrival of the new M/S
ROTTERDAM was a great addition to the
growing fleet of the Holland America Line
nth a large new outlet for Heineken's Beer,
making new friends for Heineken's with all
the thousands of travellers that this new
steamer will carry.
The visit by the Crown Princess of The
Netherlands, H.R.H. Princess Beatrix was
important to us inasmuch as at several large
functions, in many cities, Heineken's was
served to many prominent people. You may
be interested to know that Heineken's is the
only beer served at the royal household in
Holland, notwithstanding the claims by other
Last, but not by any means least, the visit
by Jonkheer P. R. Feith, Managing Director
and Dr. J. A. Emmens, Technical Director of
the Heineken's Breweries in Holland. They
came here on a goodwill tour and visited
some of our territories. The highlight of their
visit took place in New York where we ar
ranged a large sales meeting, reception and
finally, a special Three Heineken's Muske
teers" Reunion dinner at the Astor Hotel.
It was a gala affair in every way, as shown
on pages 2 and 3. Special mention, I must
make of the wonderful fresh caught Colum
bia River salmon which our distributor, Mr.
Thomas Ferguson of Portland, Oregon, was
kind enough to provide for us. It was en
joyed by everyone present.
We are now in the home stretch and look
forward to everyone's support in making or
exceeding the total 1959 sales quotas.
Cordially yours,
Jonkheer P. R. Feith, Mr. Leo van Munching and Dr. J. A. Emmens, affectionately known as the Three
Heineken's Musketeers, pose beneath a special photographic shield prepared in their honor. Through
special effects, the shield contained actual photographic images of each of the three gentlemen in the
costumes of the Three Musketeers. The shield, a surprise to all three, was presented at a dinner party
in the Hotel Astor.