The Windmill
PUBLISHED BY VAN MUNCHING CO., INC., 6 West 48th St., New York 36, N. Y.
VOL. X, No. 5
AUGUST, 1959
o Our Ola
Jo V Jut
AS was predicted in the previous
Windmill issuesales of Heine-
ken's Beer in the United States have
now established three record breaking
monthsMayJune and Julywith each
figure exceeding the 100,000 case mark.
Due to the probability of a threat
ened longshoreman's strike along the
waterfronts of the East Coast and Gulf
Portsmuch extra planning and ar
rangements for shipments have had to
be made. Fortunately, a similar strike
on the West Coast has now been settled
and we hope that the Lake Ports will
not be affected
We have asked every one of our
direct importing wholesalers to make
sure that they have their Heineken's
applies on hand before the end of
^September as it may be necessary to
depend upon their own inventories
for a month to six weeks. I am glad to
say that the response has been good.
After much consideration and in
close cooperation with the officials at
the Breweryit has been decided to
shortly introduce a redesigned Heine-
ken's label, as is illustrated on this
page. The main purpose of the label
change has been to effect a uniformity
of the Heineken's label throughout the
world which is indeed a very import
ant consideration for the worldwide
acceptance and recognition of Heine
ken's Holland Beer.
I am very pleased with the improved
appearance of our package, especially
the way the Heineken's name stands
out, more pronounced than before.
The neck label also shows a marked
improvement. We do not intend to
publicize this new label other than to
bring it to your attention and we
should like to hear your comment.
Cordially yours,
m m
The new neck label has been shown in our current advertising campaign
and the response has been most enthusiastically in favor of this change.
We are now ready to show you the change that has been effected in the
body label. Even though the difference is slight, we feel that the improvement
is great. For further information, read our President's monthly letter.
The new labels are currently on all Heineken's bottles en route to the
United States.