The Windmill
PUBLISHED BY VAN MUNCHING CO., INC., 6 West 48th St., New York 36, N. Y,
VOL. X. No. 3
APRIL, 1959
ZJo Our O^lcippi^ Oamilij.:
rE have been told that spring is
here and at the time of this writ
ings it doesn't look like it at all! How
everthis is the time of the year when
our carefully formulated plans for
further distributions promotionSs ad
vertising, etc. are slowly getting into
gear throughout the United States.
As to our plans for 1959, zue have
every hope and expectation that the
outstanding feat of 1958, increasing
our sales by 25%, will be repeated.
Every possible effort is being made to
reach this goal.
We feel strongly that the sales of
Heineken's are snowballing every
where throughout the United States,
and with the proper support of all
co?7cerned, our wholesalers, their sales
organizations, as well as our own,
>er-growing organization, we know
^~Yve will do it!
We are especially going after super
market chain operations, and other
store business, and are preparing mass
display materials to support this effort.
Then, of course, we also will ex
pand our draught beer sales now that
the Brewery has agreed to make avail
able additional American-made stain
less steel barrels. Under those circum
stances, I do not think any of you will
be able to sit back but. will want to
join the Heineken's bandwagon wher
ever you go throughout the United
As an aftermath of our discussions
with our advertising people, it has also
been decided to have a tremendous
national trade advertising program,
much larger than we have ever had
before to back up our national mag
azine, newspaper and other publica
tions campaign for 1959.
We are giving you the tools, please
go at it and bring home the boxes.
Cordially yours,
Mr. L. van Munching and Jhr. O. Wittert van Hoogland are shown above at the recent Van
Munching sales and executive staff dinner-meeting in which Mr. van Hoogland announced that
Heineken's was the largest selling imported beer throughout the world.
Mr. van Hoogland had just completed a tour through the Eastern part of the United States and
the Caribbean area and told the Van Munching sales organization that Holland today is the largest
exporter of beer throughout the world, and that the Heineken's Breweries account for 60% of these
Holland beer exports.
This impressive accomplishment by the Brewery coincides with the proud announcement by
Mr. van Munching, that Heineken's sales in the United States in 1958 went 2AVi% ahead over the
previous year (1957). Credit for this large sales increase was given to the Heineken's distributors
and their sales organizations, as well as the rapidly growing Van Munching field force.