It was not by accident that many years
ago Heineken s became the leader among
imported beers in the United States.
Ever since shipments were resumed,
after the war, there was a ready accept
ance for Heineken's throughout the coun
try. This acceptance has steadily increased
from year to year, I he Breweries in Hol
land expended, their capacity to meet the
growing demand for Heineken's, the
world's hnest lager, not only for the United
States territory, but also for very many
other markets in the world.
And so, it was a natural development
that in nearby places where American
tourists travel in ever larger numbers, the
demand for Heineken's grew in the same
proportion as in the United States. This
is tne case in such American tourist spots
as Bermuda, Nassau, Puerto Rico, Virgin
Islands, Cuba, Jamaica, the Dominican
Republic, Panama and Hawaii. Officials
at the Brewery, with their Dutch foresight-
edness, asked our Mr. van Munching to
keep his eye well focussed on these places,
and to make sure that Heineken's would
be the largest selling European Beer in
each of these markets, too.
This challenge was gladly accepted be
cause we too teel that having Heineken's
as the leading European brewed beer in all
of these markets, automatically reflects on
sales in the United States. These "out
posts" breed new customers who will taste
Heineken's for the first time and return
to their homes in the U.S. as new Heine
ken's consumers.
There are varied methods of distribut
ing beer in each of these territories, but
Heineken's found its way into the big
hotels, restaurants and clubs. This was al
so the result of the outstanding reputation
and good-will that the Heineken's name
Take, for instance, the situation in Ber
muda, the Island of sunshine and flowers.
Monthly shipments to the Bermuda agents,
Messrs, J. E. Lightbourn Co., have grown
in size from a very small beginning, after
the war, to a point where we are now
the undisputed leader of all beers sold in
Bermuda. We are proud that Heineken's
is now available in practically every outlet
in these Islands.
We have stolen the hearts of the local
baseball enthusiasts there by broadcasting
daily baseball scores over their radio sta
tion. We are very thankful of the accom
plishments in Bermuda and we feel that
credit should go to Mr. E. R. Williams
and his staff at J. E. Lightbourn Co.
Shown above is the Honorable E. R. Williams, owner of J. E. Light
bourn Co., with our Air. van AAunching on one of his regular visits
Travelling southward, we reach the
shores of the Bahamas and visit our re
cently appointed agents, Messrs. Burns
House Limited under the guidance of Mr.
Robert Symonette, the famous sailor who
was a member of the winning crew, of
Finnisterre two years in succession, in the
Newport-Bermuda Race.
Heineken's has always been a favorite
in the Bahamas. But since the Burns
House organization took over, our sales
have grown by leaps and bounds, and we
are sure we are among the leaders of all
beers sold in the Bahamas. It is a great
thrill and a pleasure to visit such famous
hotels as the British Colonial, Coral Beach
Hotel, Queens Hotel, Dirty Dick's, etc.
and to find Heineken's served everywhere.
With the six beautiful stores operated by
Burns House Limited, Heineken's mai-
tains excellent retail distribution. S,
The weekly visitor to the Islands, thq
steamer NASSAU features Heineken's and