.JMPWWtfPïl H.R.H. converses with MrJM, HonigSenior Man- aging Director and Alfred H. Heineken, member of the Board, A friendly toast to Dr. H, PHeinekenretired Chair man of the Board of H.R.HPrince while son Alfred H. Heinekenseemingly approves ^4/2 innovation, the pride of the new Brewery, a view of the master panel board from which the entire brew ing process can be carefully watched A close-up of the six story building which houses the storage tanks, tmr A view of a corner of the large bottling hall con taining six complete linesof which one is a canned beer line WmMm A close-up of a bottling line where Dr. Rinkel ex plains to H.R.H. the Prince its function OH WMWW p.; rS

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

The Windmill | 1958 | | pagina 5