Los Angeles Retailer Features Heineken's 25thAnniversary NEW YORK BRASS RAIL DISPLAY FEATURES HEINEKEN'S AT THE WORLD'S FAIR gm Munching Heineken s I Ca.iNc. mCtSké mm Harold's Liquor Store in the fashionable Westwood section of Los Angeles recently devoted both of their front windows to Heineken's displays. Here you see one of the windows featuring a blow-up of our Silver Anniversary seal. Our Mr. Joseph Ross deserves the credit for this dis play. Good work Joe! Si M In a display combining World's Fair scenery with Dutch motifHeine- ken's proudy announces that it is the only European beer served at the American Pavilion of the Brussels World's Fair. Included in the display are more than 250 bottles of Heineken's Beer a full color mural of the American Pavilion, a model automium, Dutch dolls, shoes, windmill and scenery. The display is in the main window of the Brass Rail Restaurant on 7th Avenue in the heart of the New York theatre district. WELCOME TO NEW FACES We salute the following newly ap pointed distributors and welcome them into the fold of our happy family: Kennedy-Stubbers Distributing Co. 1005 East 5th Street Kansas City 6, Mo. Cornelius Company 324 E. 8th Street Sioux Falls, South Dakota Pete Maracini, Inc. 1013 Penn Avenue Pittsburgh, Pa. Norfolk Beverage Co., Inc. 1100 Boisserain Norfolk 7, Va. Netti Wholesale Beverages, Inc. 801 East Hiawatha Blvd. Syracuse, New York Mutual Distributing Co. 1407 So. Bloodworth St. Raleigh, North Carolina United Beverage Co. 216 South State St., P.O. Box 306 Jackson, Mississippi BALTIMORE RETAILER BUILDS GIANT FLOOR DISPLAY OF HEINEKEN'S Meads Liquor Store, Oxon Hill, Maryland, put 55 cases of Heine- ken's into one mass display for fast action. And he got FAST ACTION in five days they sold 11 cases, better than 60% of a normal year's sales. This is an excellent example of how good merchandising can build BIG sales for Heineken's. Meads Liquor Store has been in business for more than 24 years and is an excellent example of how a promotional minded retailer uses a mass display for quick turnover and quick profits.

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The Windmill | 1958 | | pagina 4