Esquire Mag. (Eastern Edition) N.Y. Times HEINEKEN'S ADVERTISING SCHEDULE FOR AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER This is a front view of the U.S. Pavilion at the Brussels World's Fair. Inside the Pavilion Heineken's Beer is served at the American Res- staurant catered by the Brass Rail of New York. August - September House Beautiful August House Garden August - September Sports Illustrated (Western Mid-Western Editions) Wall St. Journal (Eastern Mid-Western Editions) Weeks of September 16th, 23rd, 30th Chicago Tribune August 3rd, 17th, 31st September 14th, 28th Los Angeles Times August 3rd, 17th, 31st September 14th, 28th August 3rd, 17th, 31st September 14th, 28th Other Heineken's advertising continues in the National Turf Dailies, Variety, Chicago Stagebill, and all the leading trade publications that have been telling the Heineken's story to the retail trade. Here is the very familiar photograph of Heineken's on de Zuiderzee at the 1939 New York World's Fair. Many of you will remember this restaurant and all the fame that it brought to Heineken's. OREGON REPORTS The official statement of beer sales in Oregon, issued by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission in June, 1958, shows Heineken's as No. 27 on the list which includes American beers as well as imports. It was gratifying indeed that after No. 27 Heineken's, came five more names of American brewers, while Heineken's headed the entire list of all other imports including Canadian beers! We beat our nearest competitor three times over a salute and compliment to our own Ralph Pingitore, the Van Munching Company's representative in the State of Oregon. We are proud of this report and we are confident that similar situations exist in most other states across the country.

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

The Windmill | 1958 | | pagina 3