19th Annum nnTionoL bee Mr. John M. Conkley of High Life Sales Co., WichitaKansas and Mr. Leo van MunchingJr. enjoying a refreshing glass of Heineken9 s Beer during Mr. Conkley9s visit to our Hospitality Room Mr. Leo van Munching, Jr. and Mr. Bob Trevathan, our Michigan representativedis cussing the Treasury Dept. letter naming Heineken9s as the largest selling imported beer in the U. S. We have just returned from the Na tional Beer Wholesalers' Convention held at the Commodore Hotel in New York. From all reports this convention was a huges success with more than 2000 dele gates and guests registered. We opened our Hospitality Room, Parlor F, on Saturday afternoon, October 20th. The room contained an authentic scale replica of a famous Dutch windmill located in Harderwijk, Holland. The rest of the display consisted of the front of an old Dutch house and, of course, fam ous Heineken's Beer on draught. From the opening of our Hospitality Room until closing, Tuesday night, we were favored with a steady stream of visitors. In attendance at the room to greet our many friends was Mr. Leo van Munching, his son Leo van Munching, Jr., vice presi dent of the mid-western company, Mr. J. Connelly our metropolitan New Yc1 Sales Manager, Mr. J. Graci our Pennsy^. vania representative, Mr. R. Hayman our middle Atlantic representative, Mr. B. Trevathan our recently appointed repre- sensitive for the State of Michigan and Tom McArdle who has charge of our ad vertising and point-of-sale material de partment. There were very many visitors to the Heineken's Hospitality Room and every body seemed to enjoy drinking Heineken's on draught. We could not even begin to mention all of our own distributors who came to pay their respects at the risk of omitting quite a few. In talking with the many visitors it was brought to mind again just how valuable the Heineken's franchise is in this country. Many distributors from all parts of the country were inquiring from our representatives how they should go about obtaining the Heineken's franchise for their markets. It is edifying to 1

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The Windmill | 1956 | | pagina 2